Player 1 |
#player1 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
#player2 Tim_Michaels Tim Michaels
>Ryan_Fischer: BCCENOU 8D BOUNCE +26 26
>Tim_Michaels: ARTW 9C WART +19 19
#note Hook BOUNCE for 26.
>Ryan_Fischer: ABCDEIL E7 B..IC +18 44
#note I think this is where I really blow it. BORIC closes things down too much, not to mention I missed 2 2x2s, LABORED and CALORIE.
>Tim_Michaels: ?EIJORS J2 JOInERS +92 111
#note Ow.
>Ryan_Fischer: ADEEILX K5 AXE +33 77
#note 5E ALEXI(n)E 52
>Tim_Michaels: AENO L2 AEON +10 121
>Ryan_Fischer: DDEGIIL M1 GILD +21 98
#note I6 DI(E)D 24?
>Tim_Michaels: HO I6 HO. +24 145
>Ryan_Fischer: DEIINRT 1M .ID +15 113
#note I saw INDIRECT but didn't remember its two anagrams, INDICTER and REINDICT, the former of which plays. :/
>Tim_Michaels: AEHINPS 11A PINA.HES +65 210
>Tim_Michaels: AEHINPS -- -65 145
>Ryan_Fischer: EIINRTY C9 .INTRY +24 137
#note G6 TI(N)Y 27. I'm just missing left and right this game. This is just bad. If playing here, WINEY is best, static. With inference TINY is still best. WINTERY gets the okay, after which he'll probably play HA(Y) and then bingo soon after. Meh.
>Tim_Michaels: AEHINPS 12A PA.H +24 169
#note O1 DEANSHIP 95, 13A SERAPHIN 64. Yeah, I forgot I'd give him something with the R. That's why TINY was so much better. Didn't even bother looking at the D. At least he didn't either. If he's not going to bingo, HA for 28 leaving EINPS looks best.
>Ryan_Fischer: EEEIPQS A12 .EEP +24 161
#note I don't know why I didn't dump the Q first. I figured QIES is okay, and if I draw a U I can play QUA for 65 or a Q play elsewhere.
>Tim_Michaels: EK B10 KE. +35 204
>Ryan_Fischer: EIIMOQS A8 QIS +43 204
>Tim_Michaels: AFGN N3 FANG +22 226
>Ryan_Fischer: AEIMOTU O6 OMIT +21 225
#note B5 ETUI 17? Better leave to be sure.
>Tim_Michaels: DEISVW L7 SWIVED +38 264
>Ryan_Fischer: AEELLUV N8 LUV +18 243
#note All the choices are equally sucky, so I just wanted to try to get a bingo without giving too much back. Hope fading.
>Tim_Michaels: AGILRZ 11G GLAZI.R +34 298
#note He overdrew here, I forget what, but he was close to a bingo. I think I threw back an S, so GLAZIERS?
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEELOU M11 .OUE +11 254
#note And that was NOT what I needed. AREOLE and ZOEAE are pretty suicidal. ROUE seemed a sane balance.
>Tim_Michaels: AFOST H10 F.OATS +30 328
>Ryan_Fischer: AEELNNU N14 NU +8 262
#note My kingdom for a D. I saw ULNAE. Gives up. See no way of opening. Rough. Champ says NUN.
>Tim_Michaels: M 3I M. +7 335
>Ryan_Fischer: AEELNTY G5 TEE.Y +28 290
>Tim_Michaels: ADEORRT F1 ROARED +22 357
#note The blank was the last tile in the bag. Insult to injury, he could've bingoed out with ROADSTER, apparently.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ALN 15K AnN.L +17 307
#note Switch the blank and N for 19. I was low on time.
>Ryan_Fischer: (T) +2 309