Player 1 |
#player1 John_O'Laughlin John O'Laughlin
#player2 Stefan_Rau Stefan Rau
>John_O'Laughlin: GUY 8G GUY +14 14
>Stefan_Rau: DEFJMWZ 9H MEW +19 19
#note Overwhelmed by the awfulness of the opening rack, I miss the should-be-pretty-damn-obvious Z(Y)ME. And if I'm going to miss that, then I should be exchanging, because this is pretty unplaythroughable stuff otherwise. Geez.
>John_O'Laughlin: AGINRST K7 GASTRIN +75 89
>Stefan_Rau: AADFJTZ 12J F.Z +30 49
#note *sigh* Oh-for-two. FAJ(I)TA. Clearly my brain has not checked in yet.
>John_O'Laughlin: AKR 7G ARK +37 126
>Stefan_Rau: AADJNOT L4 JATO +25 74
#note OK, this doesn't blow.
>John_O'Laughlin: DOY M3 YOD +26 152
>Stefan_Rau: ADIINOV 6D VIAND +22 96
#note OK, no real standout choices here, but there's plenty better than this.
>John_O'Laughlin: DEIIN D4 DI.INE +22 174
>Stefan_Rau: BEEIOOW N2 WOE +27 123
>John_O'Laughlin: ?ELRRTT C7 TuRTLER +73 247
>Stefan_Rau: ABEEIOR B10 AEROBE +30 153
>John_O'Laughlin: AA A14 AA +16 263
>Stefan_Rau: ACIITTU A8 TIC +20 173
#note This just isn't going to be my game.
>John_O'Laughlin: INO O1 ION +20 283
#note John started laying down a bingo from A1 into TIC, but then realized he didn't quite have it.
>Stefan_Rau: AILNPTU D12 PAIL +27 200
#note I thought about trying NUPTIAL/REN#, but figured that had a vanishingly small chance of working. PTUI in this spot looks like an improvement.
>John_O'Laughlin: GPSU 14H PUGS +20 303
>Stefan_Rau: EEHNQTU 15H EH +32 232
>John_O'Laughlin: ?ADLLOR 4A LAn.LORD +62 365
>Stefan_Rau: ENOQSTU H1 QUO. +42 274
>John_O'Laughlin: BEEIMNX M7 XI +36 401
>Stefan_Rau: EHNSTUV 13I HU. +30 304
#note Heh, this supposedly has a 0.05% winning chance.
>John_O'Laughlin: BEEFMNS 5J BE.. +14 415
>Stefan_Rau: EEFNSTV E3 E.F.N +29 333
#note Well, at least my meaningless late-game choices are good.
>John_O'Laughlin: CEEMNOS E9 MOCS +27 442
>Stefan_Rau: EISTV A1 VEI.S +24 357
>John_O'Laughlin: EEN 10K .EEN +6 448
>John_O'Laughlin: (T) +2 450
#note I am not proud of this one.