Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Stefan_Rau Stefan Rau
#player2 Kate_Fukawa-Connelly Kate Fukawa-Connelly
>Stefan_Rau: EGIIIOR -GIIIO +0 0
#note This is the last game of the tournament, and going in I'm one win and about 140 spread points ahead of Robin Pollock Daniel, who's playing Evan Berofsky at the next table. (Robin and I aren't playing each other because it's a straight round-robin.) Obviously, I clinch the tournament with a win, but if I lose, I need to keep it close to maximize my chances.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: JOW 8G JOW +26 26
>Stefan_Rau: BEPRSTT H7 B.T +5 5
#note This and BOP are pretty close.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: DOU G8 .UDO +16 42
>Stefan_Rau: EEPRSTT 12B PRETEST +83 88
#note Damn it, missed PROETTES for the double-double. Fatigue is starting to set in.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: EEN H12 .EEN +12 54
>Stefan_Rau: DDFMQRR 14F FR.MD +23 111
#note Yikes, nice post-bingo rack. Kate made about the only move that would've kept me from exchanging.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ?AEIMNO E6 MAsONI.E +68 122
>Stefan_Rau: DIOQRRT 8A TORR. +15 126
#note No real standouts here, but this really isn't a very good choice.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: BOX F5 BOX +29 151
>Stefan_Rau: ADEIIQU G2 EQUID +35 161
#note QUI(N) is safer.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ADEILST J6 DILATES +78 229
>Stefan_Rau: AEHIILY H1 AHI +34 195
#note Terrible. This is the best I can do in terms of balancing my rack, but K8 YEAH is 52 damn points.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: FHW B7 H.WF +21 250
>Stefan_Rau: EEEIILY C10 EE.ILY +23 218
#note EYRIE in the same spot is a little better.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: AG 15A GA. +21 271
>Stefan_Rau: AEINNOZ C3 ZANIE. +38 256
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ATV D2 VAT +27 298
>Stefan_Rau: EILLNNO K4 LION +13 269
#note Bad. Missed ONLINE at 15J, which looks best. If I'm just going to play these four tiles, how about K9 LINO instead? Duh.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ?EGPSSU L7 SPUrGES +77 375
#note Now here's an interesting spot. Obviously, if this play is good, I almost certainly lose. After holding and thinking about it for a minute, I'm probably 98% sure it's good. Now, if it's just about winning the game, that little bit of doubt means I have to challenge....but, remember, I'm a game and 140ish spread points up, so I don't necessarily need to win this game. While I can probably survive a close loss, a BIG loss could be horrible, and if I unsuccessfully challenge and Kate blocks my comeback bingo, this could easily turn into a 150-point loss. It probably would have been easier to decide if I had any idea how Robin's game with Evan was going.
>Stefan_Rau: ACEILNU 1H .CAULINE +83 352
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: AGINORV 8L .RIG +21 396
>Stefan_Rau: ACKORY 4K .ARKY +32 384
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ANOV M12 NOVA +20 416
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: (OC) +8 424
Player 2
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