Game Details
Player 1
#player1 opponent opponent
#player2 scott_jackson scott jackson
>opponent: FLNOW 8D FLOWN +30 30
>scott_jackson: ACEIMTX E5 EXC.AIM +72 72
#note Didn't even notice TAXEMIC on my rack, or TOXAEMIC, but this is better anyway
>opponent: ADP D10 PAD +20 50
>scott_jackson: EGMNOST D2 GNOME +29 101
#note missed GEMSTONE. I was drawing so well none of this mattered of course.
>opponent: HILT 2B LI.HT +22 72
>scott_jackson: AEINOST 1F ATONIES +76 177
>opponent: ABIO A1 OBIA +33 105
>scott_jackson: EEILRTZ B4 LEZ +34 211
>opponent: EIORU 7G OURIE +15 120
>scott_jackson: DEIRSST K5 DI.STERS +86 297
>opponent: PRUY 12K .YRUP +26 146
>scott_jackson: ACNOOVW 8K .WOON +36 333
>opponent: AJY C11 JAY +41 187
>scott_jackson: ACDTTUV 10H DUV.T +17 350
>opponent: ?DEEGIN 14C sEEDING +75 262
>scott_jackson: ?AACGST M3 CATAl.GS +84 434
#note almost missed this since I was so focused on CATJANGS.
>opponent: AKR O12 .ARK +30 292
>scott_jackson: AEELQRT 6J Q. +62 496
>opponent: EFI H12 FI.E +33 325
>scott_jackson: AEELORT 9K .E. +10 506
#note I should've played 13B OY. This gives me an unblockable out bingo if I draw an H (which I happened to do) or an R, i.e. 25%. Had I done so I would have had a 3-game series of over 1700.
>opponent: BEINRUV N4 NIB +25 350
>scott_jackson: AEHLORT O1 HOTEL +34 540
>opponent: ERUV C1 V.E +16 366
>scott_jackson: AR G13 A.R +9 549
>scott_jackson: (RU) +4 553
Player 2
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