Game Details
Player 1
#player1 opponent opponent
#player2 scott_jackson scott jackson
>opponent: ILNORST 8G NOSTRIL +66 66
>scott_jackson: ABEFIJT K4 JIBE. +28 28
>opponent: EW 4K .EW +26 92
>scott_jackson: ADFFITT 3L DAFF +35 63
>opponent: IK O1 KI. +30 122
>scott_jackson: ?DEGITT L7 D.GITaTE +71 134
>opponent: EHRW 14J WH.RE +38 160
>scott_jackson: ?ACEMUZ 15G MAZE +50 184
>opponent: BGO 14F GOB +18 178
>scott_jackson: ?ACNOTU O8 CONATUs +88 272
>opponent: IV L1 VI. +12 190
>scott_jackson: ALOPQRR 11J QA. +24 296
>opponent: AENRTTU 9B TAUNTER +64 254
>scott_jackson: AELOPRR D4 PARLO.R +20 316
#note not sure what is best here. quackle likes stuff on row 13 but i'd prefer to shut down the most likely bingo lanes.
>opponent: OY 13G YO +26 280
>scott_jackson: ADEELRS B4 RESLA.ED +63 379
#note RESAILED for a nice underlap
>opponent: DEOPU 1H UPDO.E +36 316
>scott_jackson: AEENOVX E3 VEX +48 427
#note A11 AXONE
>opponent: GHI C2 GHI +20 336
>scott_jackson: AENNNOO F4 NEON +23 450
>opponent: AIY 2A YA.I +16 352
>scott_jackson: ACINOSS A11 ICONS +33 483
>opponent: EM A7 EM +26 378
>scott_jackson: AS K13 A.S +24 507
>scott_jackson: (ILU) +6 513
Player 2
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