Game Details
Player 1
#player1 scott_jackson scott jackson
#player2 opponent opponent
>scott_jackson: ACEPRTU 8D CAPTURE +78 78
>opponent: CDEHOU K8 DOUCHE +37 37
>scott_jackson: EHIORSU 12K .UH +18 96
>opponent: EEOTW M9 TOW.EE +26 63
>scott_jackson: EILOORS 15G ORIOLES +87 183
>opponent: IKO 7E KOI +21 84
>scott_jackson: AEGGIQU I1 QUAGGIE. +71 254
>opponent: ?ABDEII 11D DIABEtI. +74 158
>scott_jackson: EINNOTV 3F VEN.TION +74 328
>opponent: ALPRVWZ - +0 158
#note challenge
>scott_jackson: AAJNPSW 2L JAW +37 365
>opponent: EGT 4L GET +33 191
>scott_jackson: AINOPRS O4 SOPRANI +86 451
>opponent: EILT 12A TILE +16 207
>scott_jackson: BFIMNRZ 13B FIB +31 482
#note going for ZA G10
>opponent: DL 14L D.L +11 218
>scott_jackson: ?AMNRVZ 10F ZA +66 548
>opponent: AEELSXY 1M LAX +39 257
>scott_jackson: ?FMNORV 6H V.M +14 562
>opponent: ENSY 6B YENS +22 279
>scott_jackson: ?DFNORR B11 R.. +6 568
>opponent: AMS 5I .AMS +30 309
>scott_jackson: ?DFNORY O12 DOFf +35 603
#note oops, DEFY
>opponent: AENRT 1E TRAN. +42 351
>scott_jackson: NRY J14 Y. +13 616
>opponent: E B11 ...E +14 365
>opponent: (NR) +4 369
Player 2
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