Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Trey Trey
>Joey: ?FIIPRS 8B RIFlIPS +80 80
>Trey: BDGNO F5 BOD.NG +16 16
>Joey: ACILRRU H4 CURL. +10 90
#note I didn't see RUBRICAL until just before annotating this game. CURLS is still worse than a lot of non-bingo options.
>Trey: GZ C7 Z.G +25 41
>Joey: ADIIORS 4H .ARDIO +18 108
>Trey: DEOTT M2 TO.TED +18 59
>Joey: ACEINSS B8 .ACINESS +85 193
>Trey: ?AERTTT 13A b.TATTER +66 125
>Joey: EEHIOWW 2J WHI.E +38 231
>Trey: AFY H12 F.AY +42 167
>Joey: DEJOWXY N5 OX +52 283
>Trey: Q L1 Q. +21 188
>Joey: ADEJMWY E4 JAW +39 322
>Trey: EOO A12 O.OE +23 211
>Joey: DEEIMVY O1 MY +36 358
>Trey: EEIKNOS L7 EIKONES +77 288
>Joey: DEEEITV J4 .IVETED +23 381
>Trey: AIOR 4B RIO.A +35 323
>Joey: BEHLLMU 3A HELM +28 409
>Trey: GNU 13L .NUG +10 333
>Joey: BELLNUV O10 BUN.LE +30 439
>Trey: AAAEPRU 1F AREPA +26 359
>Joey: ILNV D10 VIN.L +16 455
>Joey: (AU) +4 459
Player 2
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