Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Toh_Weibin Toh Weibin
#player2 Jack_Durand Jack Durand
>Toh_Weibin: AAEIRRU -AAIRU +0 0
>Jack_Durand: ?AEIOPT 8C OPIATEd +72 72
>Toh_Weibin: EEKORSZ 7C ZO +46 46
>Jack_Durand: AFFIINO 6D FIN +16 88
>Toh_Weibin: EEGKRRS 5E KEG +30 76
>Jack_Durand: EEEFIOQ 9E FEE +17 105
>Toh_Weibin: BDERRSX B4 BRED +22 98
>Jack_Durand: AEEILOQ A1 OLEA +20 125
>Toh_Weibin: AEORSTX I3 EXTRA.OS +67 165
>Jack_Durand: EIIOQSW 9A QIS +26 151
>Toh_Weibin: AEEGMPU H1 GAME +38 203
>Jack_Durand: EIIOORW J3 WOO +26 177
>Toh_Weibin: ENNPUUY K5 PUNNY +30 233
>Jack_Durand: AEIIRTV 8K .AIVE +27 204
>Toh_Weibin: EINNUUU -INUU +0 233
>Jack_Durand: EIJRSTT L1 JITTER +50 254
>Toh_Weibin: ADELNUW 1L .ADE +36 269
>Jack_Durand: ADEMORS 2K D.ME +24 278
>Toh_Weibin: HLNSUUW J10 HUN +27 296
>Jack_Durand: ACDIORS 10A ID +25 303
>Toh_Weibin: CHLNSUW M7 W.NCH +18 314
>Jack_Durand: AALORSV 3L .AV +29 332
>Toh_Weibin: ABLSTUY 13J SUBTYL +29 343
>Toh_Weibin: ABLSTUY -- -29 314
>Jack_Durand: AGLORST N6 GO. +16 348
>Toh_Weibin: ABLSTUY 13J SUBTLY +29 343
>Jack_Durand: ?AILRST 12D STARLI.g +67 415
>Toh_Weibin: ACILNRU O12 C.AN +36 379
>Jack_Durand: IOR 15L IRO. +5 420
>Jack_Durand: (IRLU) +8 428
Player 2
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