Player 1 |
#player1 Evans_Clinchy Evans Clinchy
#player2 Mike_Wolfberg Mike Wolfberg
>Evans_Clinchy: AIMPRTU 8H UMP +14 14
#note Sims best! Nice. Considered longer stuff like ATRIUM, but I like keeping AIRT.
>Mike_Wolfberg: HOO G7 OHO +19 19
>Evans_Clinchy: AAINNRT I3 TRAIN.AN +63 77
>Mike_Wolfberg: IO J10 OI +8 27
>Evans_Clinchy: DEGNSVY K5 ENVY +35 112
#note After the super-obvious fish, this does a nice job of closing off bingo possibilities. Then again, GYVES in the same spot is probably even better -- one extra point, a little extra blockage, and DN is a nice leave. No reason to obsess over keeping the S, given the unfriendly board.
>Mike_Wolfberg: OY J2 YO +15 42
>Evans_Clinchy: CDGISTU K11 DUG +16 128
>Mike_Wolfberg: ?ELOSSV F9 SOLVErS +63 105
>Evans_Clinchy: BCEIRST 15D BI.ECT +39 167
>Mike_Wolfberg: KUU 4G KU.U +15 120
>Evans_Clinchy: AELQRRS 6H Q. +11 178
#note Quackle prefers QAT by a significant amount, like 5 points, which shocks me. This fish hits a TON of stuff. I guess ELRRS is a perfectly fine leave as long as one of my two draws is a vowel... but uh, what if it isn't?
>Mike_Wolfberg: EEJT L3 JETE +26 146
>Evans_Clinchy: AELLRRS 12H ALL.RERS +73 251
#note Suck it, Quackle.
>Mike_Wolfberg: AEW G2 WA.E +12 158
>Evans_Clinchy: EFFGOST N10 FO.GE +34 285
#note Trying to get cute and set up the T. Quackle says just to play FORGET. Shrug.
>Mike_Wolfberg: ABIO O7 OBIA +23 181
>Evans_Clinchy: AFILNST 1D FINAL +48 333
>Mike_Wolfberg: AEITX 15K AXITE +70 251
>Evans_Clinchy: AEHIRST E10 HA +19 352
#note This puts me up by 101 with a fantastic leave... I can't lose, right? Ehh, maybe. NAH F1 sims neck-and-neck with this, and it's certainly the safer option. Borderline call whether I need to play it safe here. Worth noting that spread matters a lot in a five-game tournament.
>Mike_Wolfberg: ?ADNORW D6 ONWARDs +88 339
#note He still has line N either way, so I guess it ended up not mattering much. In any event, yikes, this game is suddenly close!
>Evans_Clinchy: CEIRRST 8A CRE. +27 379
>Mike_Wolfberg: IMP 3L .IMP +30 369
>Evans_Clinchy: DIIRSTT A2 DISTRI.T +62 441
#note That worked out after all.
>Evans_Clinchy: (DEEGNZ) +34 475