Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
#player2 Chris_Guilbert Chris Guilbert
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DELNOOY 8H DOOLY +26 26
>Chris_Guilbert: AIIKO H4 AIKI.O +12 12
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BEEINNV L4 VEIN. +22 48
>Chris_Guilbert: EEFSU 10F FUSEE +30 42
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BEEENNS 11D BEEN +19 67
>Chris_Guilbert: AHOT 12C OATH +33 75
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEEFNST 13C FA +25 92
#note Ah, the sim wants me to keep the optimal AENST. Unload EF somewhere. 13B seems silly, but that's what wins the sim. Maybe KEF? Ugh. I like FA, though.
>Chris_Guilbert: BIO K5 BOI. +24 99
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EEENRST 4C SEREN.TE +66 158
>Chris_Guilbert: GHIMNO 11J HOMING +29 128
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEILQUW O8 QUA. +42 200
>Chris_Guilbert: ?AALOPS E2 PA.ASOLs +68 196
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: CDEIILW 12K WIDE +34 234
>Chris_Guilbert: GIR 2B GRI. +14 210
#note Chris said I blocked QUAGGIER and he had nothing else to play.
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ACGILNN 14D LANCING +72 306
#note Unlikely bingo. Really lucky timing.
>Chris_Guilbert: EJ J2 JE. +26 236
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: OPRRSTT K1 POT +16 322
#note I don't know why all of the best plays leave AJEE open. I thought I had to block. ???
>Chris_Guilbert: CIRY 1K .YRIC +48 284
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ARRSTTV H12 VA.R +33 355
>Chris_Guilbert: DX F3 D.X +23 307
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DMRSTTW D1 W.D.R +28 383
#note This is really weak, and it should have cost me the game. Maybe then I'd learn to look more carefully! The threats are the 7-line to LOATH (I completely missed it) and TEAZ(L)E. If I can't do a good job of blocking them while still consistently outrunning Z plays elsewhere, I have to NOT EMPTY THE BAG. 9G MOW is perfect. It outruns everything. Man, it's so annoying making silly mistakes like this. I never, ever, ever see obvious hooks.
>Chris_Guilbert: ?AELTUZ 8A TeAZ.E +72 379
#note I should have lost. QUETZAL. Jesus
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EMRSTTU 13K EMS +31 414
>Chris_Guilbert: LU 9M UL. +4 383
>Chris_Guilbert: (URTT) +8 391
Player 2
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