Player 1 |
#player1 Jeremy Jeremy
#player2 Sue Sue
>Jeremy: AGOORSU -GOOU +0 0
#note Sue and I have both lost our first two games. She sighs, "oh, you'll probably kill me." Never fall for that. It's a trap! Sue is a killer.
>Jeremy: AABLRSX 9L AX +39 39
>Sue: ADEIORS 10F ROADIES +68 150
#note "that's all?" I joke.
>Jeremy: ?ABLORS 9A RoBALOS +67 106
#note I missed H1 BORStALS, and I'm not sure I'd ever find J6 BR(A)c(I)OLAS. Since I don't see a high scoring bingo, I try to set up a rich comeback lane to give myself a chance.
>Sue: CEINORT H1 NOTICER. +83 233
#note Sue misses the 3x3 T(R)ICORNE, plays too quickly. Still, with a bingo bango bongo this will be a toughie to win now.
>Jeremy: EEFILRT A2 REFILTE. +95 201
#note I chose this over FILTERER to set up PREFILTER* for a cheeky comeback. I thought it was good actually.
>Sue: AFK 7M KAF +36 269
>Jeremy: EEGPTUV 1A PUG +60 261
#note D8 V(A)GUE is the best legal play, but I get away with PREFILTER/PUG after Sue holds for a minute.
>Sue: OW 6N WO +32 301
>Jeremy: DEELTVY C1 .VYE +22 283
>Jeremy: DEELTVY -- -22 261
#note I think playing C1 (G)YVE might set up a 2x2 at K5-K11 though ---(T)-(E)- with my leave. -ETTED or -ETTLED could happen. Unfortunately I don't check my play and end up playing GVYE* instead of GYVE, and lose a turn. DRAT!
>Sue: AMU G1 AMU +15 316
#note Sue says something about blocking bingo lines.
>Jeremy: DEELTVY 10B YE +29 290
#note GYVE is probably best again, but I only need to draw an I to walk into K5 VIT(T)L(E)D for 54. Quackle agrees to switch my play to YE on win percentage!
>Sue: AEG 11C GAE +14 330
#note Sue says I blocked a bingo, but she can almost still play it parallel at 11C. Wow.
>Jeremy: ADEJLTV D6 JAV. +18 308
#note K6 JETTED is right. Time to stop dicking around with drawin a miracle 2x2.
>Sue: ADEILNN 12E LINDANE +62 392
#note I guess Sue didn't remember ANNELID. Actually, the best bingo is 1G (AN)NELIDAN!
>Jeremy: DEEHLTT D1 HELD +38 346
#note 5E LET(C)HED is 52. Miss.
>Sue: ITU 13K TUI +8 400
>Jeremy: ?BDIITT N11 BITT +16 362
#note Oh wow. TUIT* is phony. This is poor. Duck likes 5K BITT.
>Sue: NQRU 6F QU.RN +36 436
>Jeremy: ?DEGINO 15H DINGOEs +83 445
#note 3F OUTGaINED and OUTDEsIGN are neat, but don't score as much. I saw OUTEDGED*, but wasn't sure it was good, plus why play there when this is more points?
>Sue: OOZ 14F ZOO +35 471
>Jeremy: EEMNOVY 13A VENOM +25 470
#note 3 plays win. Mine doesn't, if Sue plays right. The winners are 13C YOM, 14F ZOO(M), and J4 YE(N).
>Sue: IIPRW 12B PI +16 487
#note B2 PEW will win the game for Sue.
>Jeremy: EY 4D .YE +7 477
#note O10 YE is two more, however, this is just enough to win.
>Jeremy: (IRW) +12 489