Player 1 |
#player1 JD JD
#player2 James_Porter James Porter
#note I could also just have played OE but I wanted to see what he would do
>James_Porter: ACR 8H ARC +10 10
>James_Porter: AEEGRST 11E ETAGER.S +68 78
>JD: DJNNPUW 12C JUN +22 92
#note if he plays jo I might get to play jow
>James_Porter: LUU J4 ULU +9 87
#note shoud've kept DN, every bit helps
>James_Porter: AHI C10 HA.I +28 115
>JD: AAFGOSY H11 .YGAS +42 134
#note this isn't a word. it would be the best play if it was though
>James_Porter: OZ 14F ZO. +32 147
>JD: AEFORRS 15D FEAR. +25 159
#note bad move, I figured there were many Es left, but even so FORA is significantly better.
>James_Porter: IP 10E PI +15 162
>James_Porter: ?AEIILT B4 cILIATE +67 229
>JD: BBCMNTU 8A B.BU +27 254
#note kinda ugly
>James_Porter: ENOP H1 PEON +26 255
>JD: ACLMNTW D4 TALC.M +20 274
#note this is a surprisingly interesting move. I didn't see anything that good, but CWM at 4B keeping ACLNT wins the sim by a lot. there are only 7 8s with ACLNPT?? but the pool happens to be anomalously vowel-heavy, which means I'll hit stuff like PENTACLE, PLACENTA, PLATONIC, PLATINIC and PLANCHET surprisingly often. talcum also has the negative side-effect of setting up an X spot.
>James_Porter: AEENOVW E3 VOE +18 273
>JD: DEINWWX 9F W.W +20 294
#note getting low on time, played this fast
>James_Porter: ADEEINQ 10I DA.E +16 289
#note signals the blank?
#note I am a solid favorite now
>James_Porter: ADV 7F D.VA +21 310
>JD: EGIKQTX 5A Q. +11 347
#note this is the key move of the game, and I am pretty sure my choice lost me the game. If I don't block the P now he has a bingo percentage of 40% versus 20% or so after EEK. In addition, EEK sets up SOX/EX for 35. However, I thought there was some chance that his bingo might give me an X play. If I play EEK and he bingoes I lose for sure. Finally, I have to dump the Q at some point anyway and it doesn't look like there will end up being a better spot - I may even end up getting stuck. quackle gets this one wrong because it doesn't play the rest of the plays right, so I don't know how these plays really stack up. My ultimate logic was that I had to unblock the rack by dumping the Q at some point, and I might as well do that now before he has the chance to create more lanes. But now I think that the EEK-SOX combo gave me a better chance to win.
>James_Porter: ?IMNORY 2H .NORMItY +78 388
#note if I'd played EEK he would be in a tough spot - he could play MOPY at 1F to block the X play and would then be very likely to draw an out-bingo that I couldn't block without eating the Q.
>JD: EGIIKTX O1 K.TE +36 383
>James_Porter: EHOT 1K EH +22 410
#note his best play is actually EH at L1 to set up HIT/TOT.
>JD: GIIX 14A .X +18 401
>James_Porter: OT 3M TO. +11 421
>James_Porter: (GII) +8 429
#note 0-1, -28