Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Tara_Smylie Tara Smylie
#player2 Jackson_Smylie Jackson Smylie
>Tara_Smylie: ?GNPTTU 8D PUTTiNG +74 74
#note Casual game at home.
>Jackson_Smylie: AEELORR I3 RELOA.ER +61 61
#note Saw PAROLE, PAROLEE, PAREO, PERORAL/PREORAL, ROE, ORE, PROLE, POLER. ...And RELOA(N)ER. Tara has never formally studied 7s or 8s, and only knows words through osmosis, so I feel the chances of her challenging are slim. Also, if she does challenge, there is a slight chance she will play a D in which case I will bingo.
>Tara_Smylie: IIIIIII -IIIIIII +0 74
#note RELOA(N)ER was held and released.
>Jackson_Smylie: AAEINTU H10 AUNTIE +23 84
#note I see the fishy plays (T)AU, EAU, as well as medium plays like UNAI, but I think AUNTIE is best. Quackle agrees.
>Tara_Smylie: CZ 6H C.Z +34 108
>Jackson_Smylie: ADIORTW H1 DRAW +47 131
#note Didn't seem worth it to sacrifice the poitns with plays like WOAD or TROW, which keep IRT and ADI respectively and score 10 and 3 fewer. WOAD sims best, which i find odd, as IOT doesn't seem 10 points worse than IRT, and this board isn't particularly bingo-friendly after WOAD. Quackle puts woad at 0.1 higher in valuation than draw, and a 0.22%ish win % higher. I like DRAW.
>Tara_Smylie: ACEEGNS J10 CAGE +24 132
#note Tara missed one bingo and "missed" another. She missed AGENC(I)ES for 65, and "missed" C(AR)AGEENS 3G/10G for 80/66. Learn those nines tara!
>Jackson_Smylie: AEIIOTY F6 IO.A +6 137
#note I figure she has an S at this point, so I don't like YETI 14J. YO in the same spot scores but doesn't accomplish much in terms of rack management. The Y is a very useful tile on this board, scoring spots available using it at 14J and 6K. I would rather balance my rack now and use the Y on a future turn (although the CAGE spot is likely to be taken by a D/R/S/Y). I didn't like how little IO(T)A scored but I like what it does to my leave. As I hit Generate choices, I see IOTA for 20 which i really like. I missed IOTA at G1 which is really beautiful. I also missed IOTA at K11. I think I really dropped the ball on this one.
>Tara_Smylie: EENV G2 EVEN +29 161
>Jackson_Smylie: AEIOTVY K4 IVY +36 173
#note Gosh, I'm really playing poorly in this stretch of the game. I saw YO/CAGEY, but oddly turned it down. I forget my rationale at the time. IVY is third.
>Tara_Smylie: GNOR D8 .RONG +16 177
>Jackson_Smylie: ?AEJKOT 3K JOKE +47 220
#note In retrospect JAKE was probably better (eliminated 3/4 hooks).
>Tara_Smylie: BDI O1 BID +35 212
>Jackson_Smylie: ?AINQTT E4 QAT +26 246
#note (E)QuITANT. I looked for bingoes for a little while. I didn't know EQuITANT.
>Tara_Smylie: FHO L1 HO.F +38 250
>Jackson_Smylie: ?EILNTY 15H .NTIrELY +80 326
#note I looked for quite a while for bingoes ending with (I)LY/(I)TY at 14C. I missed fELIN(I)TY and sENIL(I)TY. I must be going senile, I'm not finding all these words. (E)NTIrELY is third.
>Tara_Smylie: HP N2 H.P +26 276
>Jackson_Smylie: DILMOST K9 DOM +26 352
#note DOM > MOD because MOD allows high scoring plays along the L column. DOM > MOLDI(ER) because it is higher scoring and holds a better leave (il/it is good to hit the Y with). MOLDI(ER) holds style points but this is war, style is void.
>Tara_Smylie: MR 10C M.R +5 281
>Jackson_Smylie: EILOSST F6 ....S +15 367
#note best.
>Tara_Smylie: SU 4C SU. +24 305
>Jackson_Smylie: EIILOST O1 ...I +13 380
#note No logical rationale for playing (BID)I over (Z)I(G). Oh yes, there isone: I missed it.
>Tara_Smylie: F 2F F.. +14 319
>Jackson_Smylie: BEILOST 11B BO.E +20 400
#note I didn't know BOLETI, and I'm not sure it is best as it allows (B)....... bingoes. BO(N)E sims second best, behind LOBE 14K, which blocks a couple of modest lines.
>Tara_Smylie: AEIINRS A8 SENARII +81 400
>Tara_Smylie: AEIINRS -- -81 319
#note The smell of desperation lingers in the air...
>Jackson_Smylie: AAILLST L11 AL +9 409
#note Given the fact that she won't bingo this coming turn, why not try for some more spread?
>Tara_Smylie: AEIINRS 1A ARSINE +26 345
>Jackson_Smylie: AEILSTW O8 SWEATIL. +95 504
#note gg
>Jackson_Smylie: (DEIOUX) +28 532
Player 2
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