Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Lee_Fingold Lee Fingold
#player2 Jackson_Smylie Jackson Smylie
>Lee_Fingold: AEEMRTT 8D MATTER +22 22
>Jackson_Smylie: BEGILUX D4 BEGU. +20 20
>Lee_Fingold: CENRT 5C C.NTER +16 38
>Jackson_Smylie: IILPSUX J8 SIX +35 55
>Lee_Fingold: HO I8 .HO +28 66
>Jackson_Smylie: AEILPTU H10 PULITE +39 94
>Lee_Fingold: ACEG H1 CAGE. +27 93
>Jackson_Smylie: ?AADNOR 1H .ARDAmON +83 177
#note CHEATER!
>Lee_Fingold: AJO 14F JA.O +27 120
>Jackson_Smylie: DGINOSU 15D DUO +15 192
>Lee_Fingold: AFSY B2 FAYS +29 149
>Lee_Fingold: AFSY -- -29 120
>Jackson_Smylie: GHINRSY E7 H.YING +31 223
>Lee_Fingold: AEFNSUY - +0 120
>Jackson_Smylie: ?AFIRSS F10 FA +28 251
#note !@#$ I see SAFaRIS the second I press my clock. asdf
>Lee_Fingold: ALY 2L LAY +25 145
>Jackson_Smylie: ?IORSST 6H SORITeS +69 320
#note Wow I really suck. I didn't look for too long this turn as I felt the game was one no matter what I played. I sacrificed 1-8 points with a variety of plays like OR(G)IaSTS, (E)STRIOlS, (E)ROTISmS, and STORIeS/its anagrams, played with SMATTERS.
>Lee_Fingold: AISV J12 VISA +23 168
>Jackson_Smylie: ABDEMNO M5 B.MOANED +66 386
#note At first I was sad because there was no H for HAMBONED, but then saw bemoaned! I think I really rushed on these last two racks, not stopping to look for the (obviously) better placement at 4G/7D. Yuck, 14 points down the drain.
>Lee_Fingold: FUZ F3 FU.Z +36 204
>Jackson_Smylie: EEIIIOR 12H .E.IE. +20 406
#note Everything wins 100% of the time except for (V)OI(D)ER, which I almost played. I decided against it because of the (slight) possibility of a triple triple. (L)E(V)IE(D) is best, and best for style points :).
>Lee_Fingold: EPW 3K PEW +29 233
>Jackson_Smylie: DIIOQRV 8L V.ID +36 442
#note I have two spots for Q(I), so I'm not worried about being stuck with the Q. An interesting option I didn't consider is (A)VOID off of the A in VISA. As there are no S's out, it does not open up the triple lane, and It gives me a spot to play QI for 39 rather than the 22 in the other spot. V(O)ID's Valuation is higher though.
>Lee_Fingold: NW K5 W.N +12 245
>Jackson_Smylie: EEIOQRT K11 Q. +22 464
>Lee_Fingold: EIKLLNR 13G K. +22 267
#note (A)LKINE. K(A)/K(I) is second best.
>Jackson_Smylie: EEIOORT G2 TO +13 477
>Lee_Fingold: EILLNR O8 .RILL +7 274
#note (A)LINER or REI(G)N. But at this point, who cares what endgame move one makes?
>Jackson_Smylie: EEIOR 5K .E.ER +14 491
>Lee_Fingold: EN 12C EN. +8 282
>Lee_Fingold: (IO) +4 286
Player 2
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