Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kenji_Matsumoto Kenji Matsumoto
#player2 dacrON dacrON
>Kenji_Matsumoto: EPTTY 8H PETTY +28 28
#note Round 3, game 1 of Jesse Day Is Matchplay 2012. How will I fare against Superji?
>dacrON: ?ADHILR I5 dIH.DRAL +67 67
#note Not an auspicious start. I just didn't know (P)ILcHARD (or H(Y)DRILLA for that matter!)
>Kenji_Matsumoto: ?AGINVW 10E WAVe.ING +68 96
>dacrON: IINPSTU E8 UN.IT +16 83
#note I. didn't. know. DIHEDRALS. F. M. L. Not sure what the right play is here - thoughts? I'm thinking I should've gone with UNIT(Y).
>Kenji_Matsumoto: EEIKORU K5 ROU.I.E +28 124
>dacrON: BDGIOPS D11 BIPOD +32 115
>Kenji_Matsumoto: AILNRT H1 TRINAL +24 148
>dacrON: DGINRST 3C STRID.NG +76 191
>Kenji_Matsumoto: AQU 15A QUA. +42 190
>dacrON: AEEMMSX 2E EX +52 243
>Kenji_Matsumoto: AEHT 4C HAE +24 214
>dacrON: ADEFMMS 1A FAMED +41 284
>Kenji_Matsumoto: EFKT L4 KEF +27 241
>dacrON: AEEMNSZ 2A EME +32 316
>Kenji_Matsumoto: NOORT 15A ....ROON +54 295
#note And he beats me to it just barely (I was set to block with AZON).
>dacrON: ALNOSWZ C12 ZON. +48 364
>Kenji_Matsumoto: AILOSST F9 O.TS +24 319
>dacrON: ACELSWY 14F WYE +37 401
>Kenji_Matsumoto: ABGS M3 GAB +23 342
>dacrON: ACCJLSU J1 JU. +13 414
#note I missed (FE)LUCCAS, but that would not outrun (T)RAVOISE). I'm OK with this play, but in a tournament, fishing with (TA)J may well be the play, as it saves (FE)LUCCAS, and bingos with EEEII. Sick.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: EIILOSV 1J .IVE +18 360
>dacrON: ACCELOS 12H C.OSE +28 442
#note Other endgames are 1 point better.
>Kenji_Matsumoto: AEILORS 1J ....RS +48 408
>dacrON: ACL 13L LAC +12 454
>dacrON: (AEILO) +10 464
#note 1-0 in the series. 9-0 for the tournament.
Player 2
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