Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Adam_Logan Adam Logan
#player2 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
>Adam_Logan: DEENNY 8D YENNED +28 28
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AAGPTUW E3 WATAP. +22 22
#note Wasn't sure what to do here. Maybe I'm giving too much back with this play. I probably would have done 7C WAP in hindsight. That and F7 GNAW sim best about 3pts ahead of this.
>Adam_Logan: EFZ D4 FEZ +53 81
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: GGHOSUV F2 HOG +27 49
>Adam_Logan: ?AEINTU 1F sINUATE +78 159
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AGSSTUV 9C VAS +27 76
>Adam_Logan: ACFIM 2J MAFIC +53 212
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BEGRSTU F6 GE.T +37 113
>Adam_Logan: ERTU C9 .ERTU +16 228
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BEGORSU H7 B.ROUGES +63 176
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BEGORSU -- -63 113
#note Blugh. Realised my mistake too late. Just BEROUGED.
>Adam_Logan: DIL 3I LID +14 242
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BEGORSU 7H BOG +15 128
#note Tough choice. This play ends up simming best, among several other close plays.
>Adam_Logan: AIRRS O2 SIRRA +19 261
#note MAFICS#
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: BCEORSU K5 OBSCURE +101 229
>Adam_Logan: EKLR 8K .LERK +36 297
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AAEIJMP B8 JAPE +39 268
>Adam_Logan: DEINX 12I INDEX +39 336
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEIIMOO M11 I.IA +22 290
#note I think Quackle's win% numbers are optimistic. But the best is apparently AXIOM. Adam will always be able to kill the M, but then I may have something with VERTUS. I picked IXIA since I thought it would be the hardest to deal with if he didn't have S or ?. But really, MEOO isn't ever going to work out. I think I like my second over-the-board choice best: MOXIE. Just because the leave seems more optimistic.
>Adam_Logan: ANQT 14J QAN.T +68 404
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EMNOOTU D11 NOME +23 313
>Adam_Logan: ILSY 15G SYLI +32 436
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?IOOOTU O12 OUsT +26 339
>Adam_Logan: DEHLOVW A11 HOVEL +43 479
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DIOO L4 OI +6 345
#note I missed his other out.
>Adam_Logan: RW 3E ..W +13 492
#note So did he.
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: DO B14 DO +14 359
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: (R) +2 361
Player 2
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