Player 1 |
#player1 eric eric
#player2 cesar cesar
>eric: EEFIRSZ 8H FRIEZES +108 108
#note eric actually yelled out bingo! before he put this down
>cesar: AEGOVWY 7M YOW +24 24
#note playing it short here since i need more turns. i'm just kidding, i missed VOYAGES. i suck. (-14.5)
>eric: ACEINOR L8 .ANIER +30 138
>cesar: ABEGINV 6M AB +27 51
>eric: ACEOOTT I6 CO.OTATE +63 201
>cesar: AEGINNV L1 VANING +34 85
#note creativezar!
>eric: ACGNOST 4H COAT.NGS +65 266
#note cognates, silly
>cesar: ?EEEIIT J13 TIE +7 92
#note i need to learn when to give up. obviously, opening two triple-triples with a blank in hand may win more games than not doing so, but this leave is too crappy, it's not going to work. 3J TINE keeps the V open and scores more. also TIE gives a lot back. however, the two moves are very close in win %... is there a better, less ridiculous fish?
>eric: ABIKL H11 KIBLA +50 316
>cesar: ?AEEIIR 3K A.I +12 104
#note i think AIN blocks a little less, or i may get a CH bingo, or something. (-1)
>eric: EJO O1 JOE. +33 349
>cesar: ??EEIRY 5J YE. +23 127
#note amazing
>eric: OX K10 OX +38 387
>cesar: ??EHIRT 15A THERIac. +80 207
#note ARGH I'M TERRIBLE. (-10)
>eric: AEEGILM D8 GLEAMIE. +76 463
>cesar: AEHLNQW H1 WEL.H +39 246
>eric: FOR E10 FRO +25 488
>cesar: ADNPQUV 8A QUA. +42 288
>eric: NRTU F7 RUNT +14 502
>cesar: DELNPSV 2G V.LD +12 300
#note i hate blocking the lane; M12 DEV could be better, but i doubt it. 2K SALVO sims best. eh. (-6)
>eric: DMOPRSU 13B PR.M +25 527
>cesar: DEINPSU 15J .SPIED +36 336
>eric: DDOSU G10 SOD +22 549
>cesar: NU N6 ...UN +9 345
#note UNCOATINGS!! (-4)
>cesar: (DU) +6 351
#note none of this crap would have happened without voyages