Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Robin_Levin Robin Levin
>Noah: DEGIJOY 8D JOYED +48 48
>Robin_Levin: ADNO 9C DONA +23 23
>Noah: AAGIIOR 10F GOA +19 67
#note I thought of RAIA, but thought this scored more than it actually did. RAIA looks a little better.
>Robin_Levin: ERX 7G REX +25 48
>Noah: ACIIQRT 6F QI +34 101
>Robin_Levin: AEFGLNS 5G FLANGES +79 127
>Noah: ACIINRT K5 .RANITIC +72 173
>Robin_Levin: HNS D8 ..HNS +30 157
#note Interesting: LONGJOHNS* is not good.
>Noah: ACEEIRU M2 CAU.ERIE +74 247
>Robin_Levin: MN 4L M.N +18 175
>Noah: AEEFIOT 11D .EIF +27 274
>Robin_Levin: ILPU O1 PULI +28 203
>Noah: ABEEIOT J8 OBIA +20 294
#note Wasn't interested in opening new lanes with something like COBIA, BEANO or ABOIL.
>Robin_Levin: ANOT H1 TONA. +18 221
>Noah: EEEETYZ G1 EYE +17 311
>Robin_Levin: ORT 12G TOR +10 231
>Noah: BEEITWZ 3B BETWE.. +24 335
#note ZEIN is a good option, but I figured the Z would be quite good if she got a bingo on the N column, which she seems close to.
>Robin_Levin: AELMORU N9 MORULAE +76 307
>Noah: GIOSVWZ 15K WIZ.S +54 389
#note Didn't think of VIEW.
>Robin_Levin: EKP O8 KEP +36 343
>Noah: ?GOTUVV C2 V.G +7 396
>Robin_Levin: D H12 .D +3 346
>Noah: ?AHOTUV 14E UVeA +18 414
>Robin_Levin: ?DILRST 15A LoRDS +23 369
>Noah: HOT 15G THO +43 457
>Noah: (IT) +4 461
Player 2
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