Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Eric_Tran Eric Tran
#player2 dacrON dacrON
>Eric_Tran: IOOPT 8D TOPOI +16 16
>dacrON: ?GMNNSW G7 G.WN +14 14
#note I didn't know GOWNSMAN/GOWNSMEN. I knew SWINGMAN/SWINGMEN, but for some reason thought I had a memory of it being phony. Stupid.
>Eric_Tran: BDI 7C BID +14 30
>dacrON: ?AMNNOS 11B ONANiSM +75 89
>Eric_Tran: AINOW 10B WANIO. +41 71
>dacrON: BEGLOTU H11 .OGUL +27 116
>Eric_Tran: CDEE 12A CEDE +36 107
>dacrON: BELNPRT 14F BL.NT +15 131
>Eric_Tran: AIRTU 13H .UITAR +21 128
>dacrON: AEIPRTU 15A UPRATE +31 162
>Eric_Tran: EL 12K EL +10 138
>dacrON: ADIIORT 11J ORAD +19 181
#note I really like this play, despite the awkward leave.
>Eric_Tran: AY 10I AY +26 164
>dacrON: DHIIIOT -DHIIIO +0 181
>Eric_Tran: EFR D4 REF.. +16 180
>dacrON: ?CEGTVZ 5B GE.Z +28 209
>Eric_Tran: DO 7G .OD +9 189
>dacrON: ?CIKNTV 6I ICK +18 227
>Eric_Tran: AET K4 TA.E +16 205
>dacrON: ?FINOTV L3 FIT +18 245
#note 10M OF is cute, which i strongly considered, but figured this play was hard enough to overlap, and that the pool was friendly if he hit a play in row 5.
>Eric_Tran: AEIM B2 IMA.E +20 225
>dacrON: ?EEHNOV A1 VOE +24 269
#note I'd rather take this spot out right now than play HOVE.
>Eric_Tran: SY C9 S...Y +20 245
>dacrON: ?EHILNV A6 HIVE +35 304
>Eric_Tran: X A14 X. +9 254
>dacrON: ?AEJLNR M2 JANE +38 342
>Eric_Tran: EIQRSSU 15J SQUIRE +51 305
>dacrON: ?HLR N1 Ho +24 366
>Eric_Tran: S M2 ....S +12 317
>Eric_Tran: (LR) +4 321
Player 2
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