Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Dave_Koenig Dave Koenig
#player2 Bob_Lipton Bob Lipton
>Dave_Koenig: AADEEEX 8H AXE +20 20
>Bob_Lipton: OPW 7H POW +28 28
>Dave_Koenig: ADEEINO 9I OE +20 40
>Bob_Lipton: GMO 10J MOG +27 55
>Dave_Koenig: ADEINTU 11K DUI +17 57
>Bob_Lipton: ADIORT 12J ADROIT +31 86
>Dave_Koenig: ?AENNTY O7 TENAN.rY +80 137
>Bob_Lipton: EKN N8 NEK +37 123
>Dave_Koenig: FLNOSVW M6 FLOW +28 165
#note I missed FLOWN/POWN#. This is a textbook example of my newishness# at Collins. I know the word POWN, but I'm not used to thinking about the hook yet. Quackle likes VOW also, but I'd rather play off an extra consonant.
>Bob_Lipton: ?BEINRS K2 BERlINS +86 209
>Dave_Koenig: AEFNRSV L1 VANE +32 197
>Bob_Lipton: CEOO 14K COOE. +20 229
>Dave_Koenig: FIQRRST 6F QIS +37 234
>Bob_Lipton: AJPU G8 PUJA +28 257
>Dave_Koenig: FIRRRTT 11D FRI.R +16 250
>Bob_Lipton: AALMY N2 MALAY +52 309
>Bob_Lipton: AALMY -- -52 257
#note Caught a break here. Bob was confusing this with PALAY#.
>Dave_Koenig: HHLNRTT 3J T..TH +16 266
>Bob_Lipton: AALMY 12B MAY +32 289
>Dave_Koenig: BEHLNOR 15H BREHON +58 324
>Bob_Lipton: EIL 1L .ILE +21 310
>Dave_Koenig: CDELRSV 13G VELD +16 340
>Bob_Lipton: AAIZ B10 ZA.IA +72 382
>Dave_Koenig: ACEIRST 15A ASCI +38 378
#note I think I rushed here and didn't realize how many tiles I would be leaving myself with, but playing short to avoid emptying the bag doesn't look that hopeful here. There's no chance to get bingos down, and I need the points. I didn't spot ESCAR, which might give me a better chance, but it's looking bleak in any case.
>Bob_Lipton: EGGLTUU D8 GUL.. +14 396
#note Bob played this quickly, which surprised me. I think he was somewhat short of time, but not desperately so. He should have played GJU# which wins handily. It threatens an out of GLUTEI G1. He wins many other ways too. After this, he should still win if he spots GJU, but it's much hairier.
>Dave_Koenig: DEIRST 8A DIR.E +21 399
#note I had around 5 minutes left, so no time excuses. I didn't see GJU and thought that if I made a decent scoring out in two I had a chance to come back. The best I could see was RIDGE/DIRGE, but which one to play? I didn't think he was going out, but I was afraid he might play some CSW 5 that I didn't know. I thought there was more likely to be a 5 with the R than the D, so I decided to play it this way instead of the other just to make the R harder to use. (For example, what if guert* was a word?) But in so doing I set up an easy high scoring play for him.
>Bob_Lipton: EGTU C7 U.GE +25 421
#note Almost immediately after I pressed my clock, I was kicking myself for allowing this. It turns out that even if I had played RIDGE, Bob can still win with GJU, but he has to find it. I made it too easy on him.
>Dave_Koenig: ST O3 ST +12 411
>Dave_Koenig: (T) +2 413
Player 2
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