Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
#player2 Darrell_Day Darrell Day
>Jim_Burlant: AEGGIOW 8G WOG +14 14
#note No really good options available; the only option turning more tiles is AGGIE, which saddles me with the W.
>Darrell_Day: EFIW 9D WIFE +17 17
>Jim_Burlant: AEEGIIU -AEGIIU +0 14
#note Considered GIGUE I6 and didn't like it; I felt that it was a play-for-9-give-back-40 situation. Q wants me to play through this with 7D AGUE, which I admit I didn't see; I didn't consider anything keeping duplicated I's. The difference in the sim between the two plays suggests it's stylistic preference as to whether to play through or exchange.
>Darrell_Day: ADDO 8A DADO +27 44
>Jim_Burlant: CEHINRU C2 CHURNE. +28 42
#note Thought I might have missed something, but the U took the rack well past my probability range. The bingo here is EUCHRIN(G) (p = 10860) and the best non-bingo option is apparently ENRICH 10F 32. I don't mind giving up 4 points to unload the U.
>Darrell_Day: AAQ 4A AQ.A +28 72
>Jim_Burlant: EFIILRV E1 FIVER +36 78
#note Best, treading water at 42% to win.
>Darrell_Day: AEI 5A AI.E. +20 92
>Jim_Burlant: AIILRRU - +0 78
#note Shameful! I'd just been through the 5's and this must have been one that I skipped over. This "looked funny", so I challenged it. Best play is FRAIL 1E, which wins 39%. Throwing my turn away while sitting on this drek wins 19.
>Darrell_Day: AILO 1E .OLIA +24 116
>Jim_Burlant: AIILRRU -IRU +0 78
#note In retrospect I thought I might have exchanged out of frustration here, but the sim confirms this is the best play, as the IRU/II leaves with RIAL or RURAL are too icky. 7E RIAL and J1 RIAL sim with higher valuation but don't win as often as exchanging.
>Darrell_Day: ANOZ 10A AZON +39 155
>Jim_Burlant: AEILRSY 7B Y. +10 88
#note So irritated at having pulled the Y that I missed GREASILY and VIRELAYS. Really rolling. VIRELAYS is best, winning 37% in a short sim. Greasily wins 34.
>Darrell_Day: ANP 11A NAP +22 177
>Jim_Burlant: AEILORS 3E .ARIOLES +63 151
#note I wake up and finally hit. This is best, and courtesy of all my bumbling, I'm still only 22% to win.
>Darrell_Day: ETV L1 VE.T +22 199
>Jim_Burlant: ?AGJMMT 5K JAM +32 183
#note Best statically, and it doesn't take long to percolate to the top of the sim. Now up to 37%.
>Darrell_Day: NPT 2K P.NT +16 215
>Jim_Burlant: ?BEGIMT N5 BIGTiME +84 267
#note Please tell me: how on earth can I miss GREASILY and VIRELAYS (words I do know) yet find this, which I've never studied? This is best, and it wins 72%. Other bingo option is 7F MEGaBIT.
>Darrell_Day: LL 7B ..LL +14 229
>Jim_Burlant: CEIOSTX O10 EXOTIC +61 328
#note Yes, I saw the bingo; then, with all the trouble I'd had with the challenge grid this tournament, I second-guessed myself and questioned whether EXOTIC took a back hook other than A? So I played it safe, taking the sure 61. 12C EXOTICS is obviously the play. Still 97% to win.
>Darrell_Day: ?NRRSTU 12C TURNeRS +69 298
>Jim_Burlant: EEGISST 8L GI.E +21 349
#note GITS balances the rack better, but I didn't want to telegraph that I had the other S.
>Darrell_Day: EOU H12 .OUE +12 310
>Jim_Burlant: DENSSTY M11 DYNES +29 378
>Darrell_Day: BDEHKRU - +0 310
#note Lost challenge. Darrell only recalled the L back hook to DYNE.
>Jim_Burlant: DKST 13G D. +9 387
#note Forgetting TSKED.
>Darrell_Day: BEHIORU L12 BIRO +35 345
>Jim_Burlant: KST J7 TSK +15 402
>Jim_Burlant: (EHU) +12 414
Player 2
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