Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Willis Mike Willis
#player2 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
>Mike_Willis: CEIORST 8G EROTICS +74 74
>Jim_Burlant: AAIOOTU -AIOOU +0 0
#note Not a good omen. Got bagged by Geoff Thevenot in round 3, and now this game starts like this. At this point, I was already beginning to think "This is last year all over again."
>Mike_Willis: AEEIMOY -AEEIMOY +0 74
>Jim_Burlant: AGKNPTU L4 UNPA.K +28 28
#note Couldnt' think of PUKING or TUPIK. This isn't bad, but it unnecessarily breaks up the rack. K5 PUKING is best, and this wins roughly 1% less often. I'm 22% to win.
>Mike_Willis: AEQU 5H QUEA. +28 102
>Jim_Burlant: EEGIITV I7 V.GIE +15 43
#note No really great options available; best is apparently H8 REGIVE. The board position is very dangerous but I don't get burned.
>Mike_Willis: ADNPUV 11D UNPAV.D +26 128
>Jim_Burlant: AEEISTX 9F EX +34 77
#note Crawling back in slowly but surely. Considered VEXES but felt I was too close to a bingo to break up all the ammo like this, and Q says it's a tossup. In the sim's eyes, either play is as good as the other. If I knew how quickly Mike would try to go about shutting things down, I might have opted for VEXES. Either play wins not quite 23%.
>Mike_Willis: BIRY E8 BRI.Y +20 148
>Jim_Burlant: AEIJSTT 12A JETT. +50 127
#note There are worse things than hitting the J for 50, but this the start of what was to becoming a very annoying pattern throughout this tournament: having a promising bingo rack killed by the presence of the J. This happened way more often in this tournament than I would care to remember. Nonetheless, I'm still sneaking back in and am not panicking by any means: this wins 32%.
>Mike_Willis: ILL A12 .ILL +33 181
>Jim_Burlant: AADGIRS J11 .AG +5 132
#note Not sure what I was thinking here - VIRGA H11 is obviously the play. No reason for me to play this rinky dink lame fishing game.
>Mike_Willis: AHNW 13F WHAN. +17 198
>Jim_Burlant: AADEIRS 7L .A +6 138
#note Again, way too fishy. Have no idea why I was playing so weakly. Best is 7G DEVA. This is pathetic.
>Mike_Willis: EH M3 EH +15 213
>Jim_Burlant: ADEINRS B5 NEARSID. +63 201
#note Finally! Still only 28% to win.
>Mike_Willis: ILO A8 OIL +19 232
>Jim_Burlant: EFIMNOT A1 MONIE +26 227
#note Nothing really stands out. While this wasn't one of the original kibbizer choices it zips right up towards the top of teh sim. Best, however, is C2 FOMENT. This sims pretty close to that.
>Mike_Willis: DGSU C2 DUGS +15 247
>Jim_Burlant: ABFFIRT H13 .FF +27 254
#note His play of DUGS made me think twice about row 2 plays like BIFF/BAFF/TARIFF. This seemed like the reasonable compromise.
>Mike_Willis: EW C7 WE +21 268
>Jim_Burlant: ABCIRRT J4 R.B +11 265
#note 7F BRAVI was the rack cleaner I needed, and I didn't see it. I did see 6E ABRI, but the unseen AZ scared me and I felt that, as close as the game was, a 40-point Z bomb could have been decisive. This is lame.
>Mike_Willis: NOOZ 4C .ONZO +30 298
#note Well, even if my plays have sucked, I was right to be worried about the Z.
>Jim_Burlant: ACIMRRT N1 RIM +14 279
#note I put this here because he had been playing so uber defensively that I figured he'd defend row 1.
>Mike_Willis: ?ADEOST 1H DElATO.S +131 429
#note Well, he certainly took out row 1, didn't he? Small consolation: if I don't open the triple, he still has DEFLATOR on row 15. Gawd, I played horrendously.
>Jim_Burlant: ?ACERTT O3 sCATTER +87 366
>Jim_Burlant: (EILOOY) +18 384