Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Andrew_Fisher Andrew Fisher
#player2 Olga_Visser Olga Visser
>Andrew_Fisher: ?BEILMZ 8G IMBLaZE +108 108
>Andrew_Fisher: DDEHOOR (challenge) +5 113
#note Before the game, Olga reminded me of our last match in which I prevailed 599-199. She entreated me not to score 600 this time.
>Olga_Visser: AWY 9I YAW +30 30
>Andrew_Fisher: DDEHOOR 10E HOODED +33 146
#note Lots of plays hooking IMBLAZE sim slightly better, mainly HOD N8 which does look pretty good. Just playing it a bit safe.
>Olga_Visser: CEP 11D CEP +28 58
>Andrew_Fisher: ALOPRRV M7 R.PROVAL +84 230
>Olga_Visser: FGU 7E FUG +14 72
>Andrew_Fisher: AACEMRU 8A CRAME +41 271
>Olga_Visser: GI 9C GI +14 86
>Andrew_Fisher: ?AIINNU A8 .INqUAIN +80 351
>Olga_Visser: ADT B12 TAD +18 104
>Andrew_Fisher: EEJNRSV 14J JEE.S +56 407
>Olga_Visser: OOR 15H ROO +18 122
>Andrew_Fisher: GKNNORV D11 .RONK +32 439
>Olga_Visser: AW 7B AW +22 144
>Andrew_Fisher: GHNOQUV K11 HOV.N +26 465
>Olga_Visser: IL E5 LI.. +14 158
>Andrew_Fisher: EEGQTUY D1 QUYTE +56 521
>Olga_Visser: EITU 1D .UITE +42 200
>Andrew_Fisher: AAEGINX C2 GAE +23 544
#note My choice sims best, because the X-retention gets a huge boost from QUYTES/SIX if one of the three remaining S's hits the rack.
>Olga_Visser: BOS 15M SOB +31 231
>Andrew_Fisher: AEFINTX 2H ANTEFIX +90 634
>Olga_Visser: AEISSTT 1M SAT +20 251
>Andrew_Fisher: DEILNR N4 RILED +31 665
>Olga_Visser: EIST 4K TIE.S +12 263
>Olga_Visser: (N) +2 265
Player 2
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