Player 1 |
#player1 Ed_de_Guzman Ed de Guzman
#player2 Noah Noah
>Ed_de_Guzman: II -II +0 0
>Noah: BMRRTUX 8F BRUX +26 26
>Ed_de_Guzman: EEGILNT I4 TELE.ING +68 68
>Noah: HMNRSTW 5H H.WN +20 46
#note Didn't like what this did the board, but everything else seemed crappy here. The other play I considered was NEWT, but sacrificing 6 points to keep HMRS didn't seem justified. THERM is another option, but he can score with THERME, and NSW isn't looking to hot.
>Ed_de_Guzman: ADEEEST G8 .ESEATED +61 129
>Noah: IMRRSTU 15G .RUM +21 67
>Ed_de_Guzman: FI F13 IF +28 157
>Noah: DEEIRST 4B TIREDES. +76 143
>Ed_de_Guzman: AAGUV E9 GUAVA +21 178
>Noah: CFIIKNO H1 KNI.. +36 179
#note IKON, KIEF, and FICTION are all good options as well. I don't like KIEF much, since it doesn't score that well. FICTION just gives away a pretty good scoring spot for Ed, not really what I want right now. IKON might be better than this. CFI seems less clunky than CFIO, and, while it opens scoring spots on lines 5 and A, there's no reason to be too afraid of them.
>Ed_de_Guzman: BIM 14J MIB +25 203
>Noah: CEFINOU 15L ENUF +29 208
>Ed_de_Guzman: AQT 3A QAT +30 233
>Noah: CCHINOY B2 C..CHY +48 256
>Ed_de_Guzman: ADERTV A7 ADVERT +38 271
>Noah: AEINOPY F8 .AP +28 284
#note There are plenty of options here. This, PINEY, YOB, YOGEE, and YAPOK are all worth considering. AEINP, AINP and EIN don't look that great here, with the main open bingo lanes being Ns. PINEY isn't bad, but in the end I like the score of this, and the fact that I can get a few more extensions of ADVERT. Speaking of ADVERT, I was sure ADVERTIZE was no good, because I thought I had looked it up before. Oh well.
>Ed_de_Guzman: ?AEILNR K4 I.tERNAL +64 335
>Noah: AEINORY 8K .AYON +27 311
>Ed_de_Guzman: LLOO -LLOO +0 335
#note He exchanged some four tiles.
>Noah: DEIILRS 1C DISLI.ER +64 375
#note Should I have played IDOLISER? I figured this still kept open a lane, and opened big plays on column O with high scoring tiles. Not sure if that's good logic. It turns out the advantage of DISLIKER didn't have anything to do with that.
>Ed_de_Guzman: ?AGIOOP - +0 335
#note Ed had APIOlOGY and POGONIAs, but challenged my word. But get this: with my draw, neither APIOlOGY nor POGONIAs would win the game for Ed.
>Noah: ELOOSTW 7M OW +17 392
#note If I block and don't play too many tiles, I should be okay here.
>Ed_de_Guzman: ?AGIOOP 13K POO +19 354
>Noah: ELOOOST 6I .O.OS +19 411
#note Best plays all block ADVERTIZE, but I was sure I had looked it up before and it was phony. HOTEL is of course better than this if I don't think of ADVERTIZE because I block JEEZ, which I thought of, but I was just relieved to have a win. Ed had something different altogether in mind...
>Ed_de_Guzman: ?AGIJOZ 9M AGO +22 376
#note Ed only saw LENTO.
>Noah: ELOT 6B .OTEL +10 421
>Noah: (IJZ?) +38 459