Player 1 |
#player1 Leesa Leesa
#player2 Noah Noah
>Leesa: AFY 8G FAY +18 18
>Noah: ?ADNQRT H6 Qu.DRANT +68 68
#note Played here because I could draw QUADRANTES! QUADRANTAL is also good, but I didn't know it.
>Leesa: ACILRSY 14H SCARILY +96 114
>Noah: ADEHOOU 10E DOU.AH +20 88
#note Really not sure what I should do here. I kind of like HAO 13L, because it opens up more of the top of the board. That's the kind of proactive thing I need to do to get back in the game.
>Leesa: AITW 11H .WAIT +26 140
>Noah: EEEEIOV L8 EVI.E +18 106
>Leesa: IJNN E10 .JINN +26 166
>Noah: DEEGLOT 15L TOED +28 134
>Leesa: ?ALORRU 6E ROR.UALs +70 236
#note Nice!
>Noah: DEGLTUZ 12D Z.G +26 160
#note Considered other plays, but nothing kept a good enough leave, especially with the Z not being an outstanding tile on this board.
>Leesa: GHIOS 15A SHOGI +47 283
>Noah: ADEKLTU L1 TALUK. +20 180
#note ELAND is the high scorer there, but that doesn't do much for my winning chances. I like the way this opens stuff up. There are other options, but this keeps a good leave and gives access to other lanes that I desparately need. Another good option here is EKED, which accomplishes similar goals.
>Leesa: BIO M1 OBI +20 303
>Noah: EEILOTU N2 OE +17 197
#note Seems fine, opening more dangerous lines.
>Leesa: EM 14B EM +22 325
>Noah: EEILNTU 5J LE.U +22 219
>Leesa: BMO 5D MOB +22 347
>Noah: AEFIINT 1H FINI.. +27 246
#note Thought about FINITE, but chances looked even bleaker than after this.
>Leesa: CEX 8L .XEC +39 386
>Noah: ADEEIRT 4D ETA +22 268
#note If you found the best place to fish these tiles BEFORE YOU SAW THIS COMMENTARY, I'll give you a cookie.
>Leesa: NPS J4 P..NS +17 403
>Noah: DEEIORW 12H .EW +21 289
>Leesa: AGNV C1 VANG +21 424
>Noah: DEEIORR 1A DE.OIR +33 322
>Leesa: EPST 7C PETS +19 443
>Leesa: (ER) +4 447