Player 1 |
#player1 Mike_Frentz Mike Frentz
#player2 jd jd
>Mike_Frentz: ??ELLSW 8G fELLoWS +74 74
>jd: EHIPPST L8 .HIPPETS +88 88
#note holy crap, psephite is such an awesome word! I did not know it before now. at least I still bingoed.
>Mike_Frentz: DKOU 15H KUDO. +30 104
>jd: EEGNRST 13G GREEN.ST +74 162
>Mike_Frentz: ACEU N10 ACU.E +18 122
>jd: EFGHRTY O6 HEFTY +47 209
>Mike_Frentz: AIIO J5 AIO.I +7 129
>jd: CEGMRTY K3 GYM +26 235
#note it seems like gamy or cagy have something to be said for them because they take out more lanes - but there are still places to bingo on the board even if I play those, and gym is a lot more points.
>Mike_Frentz: EF O14 FE +20 149
>jd: CEORTTW N2 COTTER +29 264
#note this is a bit of a weird play, but I liked the turnover and blocking the scariest lanes on the board and not giving too much back. quackle's overwhelming favorite here is COWL because it bingoes so much more, but on winning percentage this actually is not so far off.
>Mike_Frentz: MU K10 MU +20 169
>jd: AJNSVVW H7 J.W +13 277
#note it looks weird, but I have the case S and this basically kills all the remaining bingo lanes. VOW sims a little better (I wasn't thinking about that so much). I guess the pool is actually quite terrible anyway, but I do like having the S hook available for future turns.
>Mike_Frentz: EIL M3 LIE +14 183
>jd: AAANSVV 10E VAVS +26 303
#note VASA is slightly safer.
>Mike_Frentz: EINO E9 O.INE +16 199
>jd: AADNNOR D4 RANDAN +18 321
#note not on static but it sims well and I like it
>Mike_Frentz: IQ D11 QI +37 236
>jd: AEGLORR 5C G.OLER +14 335
#note omg aerogram is the coolest play ever! this is similar but not as cool
>Mike_Frentz: ATX 8A TAX. +33 269
>jd: ADIORUZ B6 ZO.RIA +37 372
#note with a good bag, playing here seemed safest
>Mike_Frentz: ABDEO A11 ABODE +35 304
>jd: ABDINOU H1 DINA. +21 393
#note unbar would be a little better
>Mike_Frentz: INR C12 RIN +9 313
#note BUT I didn't go over!
>Mike_Frentz: (BOU) +10 323