Player 1 |
#player1 Scott_Garner Scott Garner
#player2 jd jd
>Scott_Garner: DIIR 8E IRID +10 10
#note odd placement
>jd: IIJNOQU 7G QI +45 45
>Scott_Garner: AE 6H AE +6 16
>jd: EIJNOPU 5I PUNJI +32 77
>Scott_Garner: ABEEGPT - +0 16
#note he challenged! he'd already held me a couple of times in our last game.
>jd: ADEEIOO L4 A.EE +22 99
#note this or dojo both sim in the same ballpark
>Scott_Garner: HP M3 PH. +21 37
>jd: DILNOOR K7 DROOL +15 114
#note no great plays available
>Scott_Garner: AEGIORS 11E GIRASO.E +68 105
#note unfortunately, that didn't go anywhere else
>jd: AIINOWY 12H WINY +37 151
#note he just about challenged drooly
>Scott_Garner: BEIKS M7 BIKES +38 143
>jd: AIOOSTU H11 ..AIT +24 175
#note the leave here is just too terrible. my bingo percentages after wait are extremely low. sacrificing 7 points now and playing oot to keep a more balanced leave wins the sim.
>Scott_Garner: AFNT 14F FA.NT +18 161
>jd: ?DOOSTU 13B OUTDO +17 192
#note holding the blank it might be reasonable for me to gamble and open the triple lane, but there's a reason the two spots for outdo are very even on win percentage.
>Scott_Garner: AEX 10E AXE +56 217
>jd: ?GNRRSV -GNRV +0 192
#note the top-simming play is burning the blank for 32 and playing VIGOR. I can see why that might be the case given how closed the board is but it's a tough play oto make, especially because there are so many tiles left and I should be able to set up lanes.
>Scott_Garner: EEGMRSZ 12C ME +16 233
>jd: ?EMOORS 14A OM +16 208
#note gah this is awful. I really need to see tearooms here.
>Scott_Garner: E A14 .E +6 239
>jd: ?ELLORS 8M .LL +9 217
#note I clearly need to do something a little weird here, but I don't like quackle's top choice of lopes at all. sorel at 10J doesn't look terrible, but I don't think I prefer it to my play.
>Scott_Garner: AVV D6 VAV +26 265
>jd: ?CENORS O1 ENSCROl. +86 303
>Scott_Garner: EHO 6B HO.E +18 283
>jd: ABLRRUZ E2 AZUR. +28 331
#note I would say this play must be wrong because it creates new lanes. blur/burl/burr holding the z sims best - bingo percentages are 15% versus 23% after braze or azure.
>Scott_Garner: DTY 10J T.Y.D +25 308
>jd: BCEGLNR B2 BENC. +24 355
#note belch should be slightly better...I was down to almost no time at all. I wonder in retrospect if there's a case to be made for playing blench right off the bat. it empties the bag and loses to any bingo, but it also doesn't give him the turn he used to fish after BENCH. It's tough to figure that out from looking at a sim.
>Scott_Garner: F 3B .F +10 318
>jd: AGLNRTU F2 GAN +28 383
#note I had mistracked so I didn't know I was screwed and just wanted to block the easiest lane
>Scott_Garner: ?EGISTW A6 STEWInG +97 415
>Scott_Garner: (LRTU) +8 423