Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jeff_Reeves Jeff Reeves
#player2 jd jd
>Jeff_Reeves: BKOO 8E KOBO +20 20
>jd: AEIILNO E5 ENO.I +18 18
#note didn't feel great but this actually wins a sim by a tad.
>Jeff_Reeves: EFO D4 FOE +16 36
>jd: AIJLRTU 7H JUT +20 38
#note kinda brutal opening the big hook after his last play...JURA is a little bit tempting and actually wnis the sim if I put him on ES.
>Jeff_Reeves: AAEESTT K5 TAE +17 53
#note I luck out and this is his rack
>jd: AAFILQR C1 FAQIR +42 80
>Jeff_Reeves: ADELTU 1C .AULTED +36 89
>jd: ACILRSU L1 URACILS +86 166
>Jeff_Reeves: EHP M1 PEH +32 121
>jd: CDGIMOV N2 VIG +32 198
>Jeff_Reeves: ?IIIITW -?II +0 121
>jd: CDDGMNO F7 D.NG +15 213
#note I sort of preferred the board the way it was
>Jeff_Reeves: ELY 9D L..EY +27 148
>jd: ?CDHMNO 2B D.MN +20 233
#note I could just play cham but it didn't seem worth the risk.
>Jeff_Reeves: AAW 11D AWA +19 167
>jd: ?ACHIMO O4 OgHAMIC +96 329
#note wooo
>Jeff_Reeves: ABDEERW 12D AE +13 180
>jd: DNRRVWY C12 WRY +24 353
>Jeff_Reeves: DEU I1 .UE +5 185
>jd: BDNRSTV 3G BR.D +10 363
#note might as well turn some tiles over, rynds wins the sim which makes a lot of sense
>Jeff_Reeves: EIL 4F LIE +11 196
>jd: NOPSTTV 10H STOPT +23 386
>Jeff_Reeves: EGR 14B G.RE +16 212
>jd: INNOTVZ B10 ZIT +39 425
#note I really wish I had seen rynds two turns ago
>Jeff_Reeves: ?EIINRS 15E SENaRII +70 282
>jd: ANNOSVX 14I AXONS +57 482
#note should've chosen a different bingo
>Jeff_Reeves: EO 13L OE +10 292
>Jeff_Reeves: (NV) +10 302
Player 2
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