Game Details
Player 1
#player1 k8 k8
#player2 steve_glass steve glass
>k8: EILRRTT -RT +0 0
#note i have this problem where i lose my mind against steve.
>steve_glass: GUV 8G GUV +14 14
>k8: EFILORT G6 FI. +8 8
#note see? some jedi# mind trick makes me miss the easy bingo.
>steve_glass: OU 6G .OU +6 20
>k8: EIILORT J3 TOILE +16 24
>steve_glass: DEEEMNS 2I SEEDMEN +82 102
>k8: ?DIQRRS 1H QI +35 59
>steve_glass: NRTY N2 .NTRY +16 118
>k8: ?DEERRS K7 DRESsER +67 126
>steve_glass: AANZ O6 AZAN +44 162
>k8: BCEEFKR L12 FECK +48 174
>steve_glass: AA F6 AA +16 178
>k8: ABEERUW 15H REBU.E +36 210
>steve_glass: AAEORST N8 AEROSAT +72 250
>k8: AGOPTWX O13 WAX +46 256
>steve_glass: IOP J9 POI +16 266
>k8: AGLOPTW 1M AGO +32 288
#note okay, so i KNOW i should play WOG or POW here. it's a huge hotspot. but i am so in love with the play at 1M i can't stop myself.
>steve_glass: AHLST M9 HALTS +61 327
>k8: DJLLPTW 4I J.WL +28 316
>steve_glass: BDENO 14E BONED +15 342
>k8: CDLOPRT 15C CLOP +17 333
#note too many choices. no idea what to do.
>steve_glass: IINV C11 VINI. +20 362
>k8: DIORTUY M1 ..U +14 347
#note with two in the bag, how can B12 OUT possibly be best? i don't remember what i thought i might accomplish with this play. i guess i saw THYROID, and thought if he bingoed to make FIGS, he might magically give me an S so I could hook it? who knows. i think probably i had given up by now. the other thing i had considered was playing IVY to empty the bag. as it turns out, that would've won. go figure.
>steve_glass: EGIIMNT 12B T.MING +18 380
>k8: DHIORTY 11A DI.OT +28 375
>steve_glass: ?EI A8 lIE. +12 392
>steve_glass: (RYH) +18 410
Player 2
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