Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Richard_Spence Richard Spence
#player2 Steven Steven
>Richard_Spence: AANNOOU -ANOOU +0 0
#note Why do I keep drawing like this early in the game.
>Steven: ACLP 8F CLAP +16 16
>Richard_Spence: AAEHNOO F7 A.HOO +12 12
#note ANOA 7G 16 is best.
>Steven: AQT E5 QAT +26 42
>Richard_Spence: AEJLMNR E11 JAM +42 54
#note I was debating JAM or JARL, but JARL is a bit risky.
>Steven: AWY D12 YAW +32 74
#note Dangerous play.
>Richard_Spence: EGLNOPR 15D LOPER +35 89
#note Wow, forgot about YAWP. GLOP 15A 51 wins.
>Steven: EGR C11 ERG +26 100
>Richard_Spence: GINORSV 14B VO. +23 112
#note Wow, missed ROVINGS.
>Steven: DEIRSTU J8 STUDIER +71 171
#note Opponent missed S(Q)UIRTED for 86
>Richard_Spence: EGIINRS 5E .I +11 123
#note Wow, RIES(L)ING is a nice fit. (Q)I is second best.
>Steven: ITZ F2 ZIT. +33 204
>Richard_Spence: EGINRSY H5 RES.YING +64 187
#note Forgot about SYNERGIA, darn.
>Steven: CEU 11J .UCE +14 218
>Richard_Spence: ?BEIKNT 3C BIK.E +24 211
#note Wasn't 100% sure on BE(C)K. I wish I could've played BEaTNIK.
>Steven: AX A14 AX +37 255
>Richard_Spence: ?NOSTTW H1 WOS +30 241
#note Another missed bingo, TOWNl(E)TS.
>Steven: INO L11 .ION +12 267
>Richard_Spence: ?DNTTTV 13I V.T. +11 252
#note I wasn't sure if playing V(E)ND and keeping TTT? was the best thing to do...
>Steven: EFLMNOS -FLM +0 267
#note Opp. exchanged 3
>Richard_Spence: ?DEFNTT M5 FaTTEN.D +66 318
#note The only bingo.
>Steven: IM L4 MI +13 280
>Richard_Spence: AEFINRU K3 FUR +28 346
#note FEUAR K1 32 wins.
>Steven: ABN 2B NAB +18 298
>Richard_Spence: AEEINRS 9H .E. +12 358
#note Best play, especially with an ARSINE+E rack.
>Steven: DINO 1A DINO +31 329
>Richard_Spence: ?AEINRS 1H .EARINgS +83 441
>Richard_Spence: ?AEINRS -- -83 358
#note Blew this turn by playing WEARINgS (noticed WARINESs afterwards).
>Steven: ADEG B8 GAED +11 340
>Richard_Spence: ?AEINRS A3 SIERrAN +82 440
#note I think I made a scoring error; final score was recorded as 462-340.
>Richard_Spence: (EEHLLOU) +20 460
Player 2
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