Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Lewis Lewis
>Noah: ?IILPRT 8F TRIPoLI +68 68
>Lewis: EGOUV 7C VOGUE +19 19
>Noah: CILRSTX D6 L.X +18 86
>Lewis: AAW 9I AWA +18 37
>Noah: BCINRST J6 BR..N +17 103
#note BUT fishes for roughly half the pool for bingos. On the other hand, this is probably a better bingo blocker., especially if he has something like AENR.
>Lewis: ADEEFLS 11D DEFLEAS +82 119
>Noah: CEEIOST M5 COESITE +70 173
>Lewis: AIOT 12C IOTA +21 140
>Noah: AGIORVY L11 OVARY +32 205
>Lewis: ADEMO H10 O.DEMA +33 173
>Noah: AGIKRRS 13G K.RRI.S +34 239
>Lewis: BOO K4 BOO +14 187
>Noah: AAEGLOR 15L .OGA +24 263
>Lewis: ENTU L1 TUNE +18 205
>Noah: AAEEHLR 1L .HAE +21 284
>Lewis: IW E5 WI. +16 221
>Noah: ?AELNRY G5 LE..Y +12 296
#note Pretty bad equity-wise, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice here.
>Lewis: P F6 P.. +23 244
>Noah: ?AGIMNR O8 MRIdANG. +83 379
#note Missed EMIGRANt.
>Lewis: HI 14F HI. +22 266
>Noah: CDDENNQ 15G D.N +12 391
#note Kind of an interesting play, to me. I liked keeping a vowel here, and fishing for one of EEI. The U might also be helpful, but that is less certain, and he could block the spot for EEI, but it's unlikely.
>Lewis: EJU 10B JEU +30 296
>Noah: CDEENQT 2K Q.EEN +39 430
>Lewis: FINSTUZ 4C FUTZ +40 336
>Noah: CDT 14E C... +11 441
>Noah: CDT -- -11 430
#note Wow...I knew this was a word for sure.
>Lewis: INS 3B SIN +18 354
>Lewis: (CDT) +12 366
Player 2
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