Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jason Jason
#player2 Richard_Popper Richard Popper
>Jason: ?AEOTUW 8D OUTWEAr +70 70
>Richard_Popper: DDMY E7 M.DDY +24 24
>Jason: AJLOOQR F6 QA. +36 106
>Richard_Popper: EEGO D11 OGEE +15 39
>Jason: AAJLOOR C10 AJAR +42 148
#note The power tile parade continues. I'm doing to him what he did to Kate.
>Richard_Popper: BMO 7I MOB +18 57
>Jason: GIILOOO -GIILOOO +0 148
#note I must've missed the LOGOI spot. But this isn't awful.
>Richard_Popper: EEN B12 NEE +13 70
>Jason: BENORVX J4 BEV.. +17 165
#note VERB at B7 is better. I can always set up the X later and he has to have an S.
>Richard_Popper: ADEINRS A6 RANDIES +83 153
>Jason: AENORSX K4 OX +40 205
>Richard_Popper: OTW L2 TOW +28 181
>Jason: AEENPRS A14 PE +16 221
>Richard_Popper: AIIL M3 ILIA +21 202
>Jason: AEHINRS 1F HERNIAS +91 312
#note Evening the "ARSINE bingo" score.
>Richard_Popper: NU B7 NU +6 208
#note Scored as 8. Shoulda caught that.
>Jason: AIPRTUV 2B PRUTA +25 337
>Richard_Popper: CL 3K C..L +18 226
>Jason: DEFHIKV D1 K.FI +32 369
>Richard_Popper: GOO 1A GOO. +33 259
>Jason: ?DEHNTV 5I V.. +13 382
#note 14 hits, nine misses, and I don't really have much else to do.
>Richard_Popper: AELNRST 15D SALTERN +81 340
>Jason: ?DEFHNT J1 .F +13 395
#note 10 hits, 5 misses. I can't miss twice in a row, right?
>Richard_Popper: IITZ G3 ZITI +34 374
>Jason: ?DEEHNT 3C E. +16 411
#note At least I hit this fish!
>Richard_Popper: CGIOY N6 YOGIC +38 412
#note Oh. Oops. Shoulda considered that. I'm really glad I had that big lead.
>Jason: ?DEHINT O1 DIsH +39 450
#note DI(G)s is eight better.
>Richard_Popper: LRSU L7 SLUR +13 425
>Richard_Popper: (ENT) +6 431
Player 2
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