Game Details
Player 1
#player1 David_Engelhardt David Engelhardt
#player2 dacrON dacrON
>David_Engelhardt: AEGIPST 8B GAPIEST +76 76
>David_Engelhardt: AEGIPST -- -76 0
>dacrON: EINNRTW -NW +0 0
#note cant give him a spot. may as well be aggressive since A/I + GP is likely coming.
>David_Engelhardt: GIP 8G PIG +12 12
>dacrON: AEFINRT H8 .F +5 5
>David_Engelhardt: AEELSST J2 TEASELS +68 80
#note TA(P)ELESS would've hurt.
>dacrON: AEFINRT 10H FAINTER +73 78
#note the other F! Counted FAINTER(S) as 70, but I want to be aggressive here.
>David_Engelhardt: OPU 5J .OUP +12 92
>dacrON: HLNSTVZ L4 L.TZ +26 104
>David_Engelhardt: DOOR 11J DOOR +21 113
>dacrON: AHLNOSV M9 V..NAL +26 130
>David_Engelhardt: III -III +0 113
>dacrON: AADHIOS 12K HO.DA +32 162
>David_Engelhardt: GMTU O11 G.MUT +24 137
>dacrON: ADEEIRS 14F SIDEREA. +63 225
#note wanted to try vernals, but can't afford to lose the momentum.
>David_Engelhardt: IQ 13G QI +45 182
>dacrON: EIMORRX H12 M..I +30 255
>David_Engelhardt: EKU 3L KUE +32 214
>dacrON: AEEORRX 7G ORA. +25 280
#note I don't think this is too open, but I didn't consider EX(P)O which merits some thought.
>David_Engelhardt: ??EINNO 6A INtONEs +63 277
#note 15D INOs(I)NEs or O3 sONNIEs score 75.
>dacrON: ACEERXY N2 A.RY +24 304
#note I have no idea what to do here. My thought was to set up an X spot, since I amazingly can't touch the I. I thought of EXAC(t)ER and EXCRE(t)A, whose comeback potentials I didn't care for, but not EXCRE(T)A at the top. A bit volatile for me, but it makes some sense. Definitely overanalyzed this play. What to do?
>David_Engelhardt: DEJNO A4 JO.NED +66 343
#note fml.
>dacrON: CEEESWX 6I W.E. +16 320
#note And I follow up a terrible play with a great play. Quackle likes WE at 5D for 19, which I had down on the board, and saw this alternative as I was going for my clock. I like my play better because it makes what I am going for less obvious. any of LITU would help here.
>David_Engelhardt: ABG 5D GAB +23 366
>dacrON: CEEISTX B9 EXCITES +117 437
#note whoa, that was unexpected, albeit the most likely draw.
>David_Engelhardt: CNO A1 CON...... +57 423
#note sweet.
>dacrON: ILRTUWY 12A W.RY +28 465
#note Just incase W(I)RILY was phony. This is 4 back.
>David_Engelhardt: ABEHIV 4A .IVE +36 459
>dacrON: ILTU 1A .ULTI +8 473
>dacrON: (ABH) +16 489
Player 2
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