Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Peter Peter
#player2 Noah Noah
>Peter: HOOPT H4 PHOTO +26 26
>Noah: EIIILLN 9H NIELLI +19 19
#note Very bad. I completely missed HILI here.
>Peter: LPU 8M PUL +19 45
>Noah: DEGINRT 5E RIG.TED +48 67
>Peter: DEEGNOV E1 GOVE.NED +63 108
>Noah: ?NNNOQW -NNOQW +0 67
>Peter: IX 10J XI +52 160
>Noah: ??KMNOW D7 WOrKMaN +89 156
>Peter: ADDEIST 13B DA.DIEST +74 234
>Noah: AEELNNT 4H .ENAL +21 177
#note An interesting play. I don't like LIEN or LIANE because they block a useful lane. The simple EN(D) E11 is probably better because it keeps a good leave.
>Peter: AAAM 1D A.AMA +27 261
>Noah: ENQRTWZ F12 W.Z +35 212
>Peter: AEOORTT 6J TOO +14 275
>Noah: ABENQRT 11K TRANQ +34 246
>Peter: ABEIRTV C3 VIBRATE +91 366
>Noah: ABEFHSU 2D B.HEA +41 287
#note I figure I need a lot of points to make it back in, and QUASH doesn't seem so great. I'm going to need at least one more bingo, and BEF isn't ideal for that. I know that this blocks a lane, but I also keep the U for a hopeful Q play, or maybe a FULS bingo with these tiles. A Q play could open enough bingo lanes to make bingoing possible the next turn, and I need to hope for a miracle here. I just don't think QUASH works enough.
>Peter: ERUY O11 .UERY +54 420
>Noah: AEFRSUY 11B FU.Y +24 311
>Peter: FI 14M FI. +12 432
>Noah: ACEGJRS I3 J.. +18 329
>Peter: OS 13L SO +14 446
>Noah: ACEGNRS M8 ..C. +8 337
#note Missed (I)C(E).
>Peter: CEIOR O3 RECOI. +9 455
>Noah: AEEGNRS 10D .ARNS +28 365
>Peter: ISU B11 .I.S +16 471
>Noah: EEG 12J GEE +18 383
>Noah: (U) +2 385
Player 2
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