Player 1 |
#player1 Matt_Canik Matt Canik
#player2 Becky_Dyer Becky Dyer
>Matt_Canik: ?AEKOOY 8E OAKY +22 22
#note This doesn't give up a cheap B or M play. the TOKAY or KAYOS hooks both scare me a little, hence me electing to play OAKY.
>Becky_Dyer: ILQU F6 QU.IL +36 36
>Matt_Canik: ??DEEOO 10F .OOsEnED +59 81
#note Can't talk myself 100% into rE(L)OOkED. OkE(Y)DOkE and bOOgE(Y)ED are both two more. Never would have thought to make both blanks Ks.
>Becky_Dyer: EIMNSTU M3 MISTUNE. +76 112
#note Glad she didnt see MINUTES 11H for 82.
>Matt_Canik: EGHIIOT 8K HO.GI +30 111
>Becky_Dyer: DGOU K4 DOUG. +20 132
>Matt_Canik: EIILOTZ G3 ZITI +34 145
>Becky_Dyer: ADER H1 READ +37 169
>Matt_Canik: EIILOPW 11H WILE +24 169
>Becky_Dyer: CEMR 12J MERC +23 192
>Matt_Canik: ACDINOP 12D CAPON +27 196
#note Sims slightly below PODIA N2.
>Becky_Dyer: EJNO J2 JEON +32 224
>Matt_Canik: ADEIRUY N1 YAUD +23 219
#note Completely whiffed MERC-MERCY. N12 YAUD sims 3% higher than any other option. I don't like how this yields easy points for her, but I want to shed this YU. Quackle also suggests REDIA or UREDIA N2/N1.
>Becky_Dyer: AA O1 AA +23 247
>Matt_Canik: EFHIIRR 13E RIF +25 244
#note AA means she didn't have the X last turn. Only drawing two tiles of 32, I highly doubt she hits back with PIX.
>Becky_Dyer: ELLNOP 14A POLLEN +30 277
>Matt_Canik: EEGHIRV 15F GIVER +34 278
#note Pivotal play here. The 5 outstanding options to me are EH 15A, GIVE 15F, GIVER 15F, GRIEVE 15F, or HIVE/MERCH N12. With all the As, Es, Ss, and Ts in the bag, there's a great shot she hits 15F if I don't play there. HIVE/MERCH is just too volatile for this situation. I figure I have to hit 15F.
Then comes the dilemma of 'what should I play there?' Looking at the pool, I was 6 vowels and 17 consonants. As such, I want to keep the highest V:C ratio I can. So I chose GIVER. 6000 iterations of a many ply sim agrees with me here, putting GIVER 2% over GIVE, 4.5% over EH, 7% over GRIEVE, and 13% over HIVE.
>Becky_Dyer: AENRSV 14I RAVENS +28 305
#note After this play, she overdraws. I turn over TTN and throw back N.
>Matt_Canik: ABEHIRX 15A AX +48 326
#note Given the unseen pool, she can't block HAIR/HEIR 15L next turn without scoring next to nothing or throwing away one of the two remaining vowels, so I play here first, saving that for later.
>Becky_Dyer: ABNTTTW O7 B.TT +6 311
>Matt_Canik: BEHIRSW 15L HEIR +46 372
>Becky_Dyer: AEFNSTT 13B FA +27 338
#note STAN(ZA) is pretty.
>Matt_Canik: BSW E11 W... +14 386
>Becky_Dyer: ENSTT H6 ST. +18 356
>Matt_Canik: BS H10 ...S +14 400
#note See (NO)B(S) but not S(NO)B(S). Silly me.
>Becky_Dyer: ENT 1F TE.N +4 360
>Becky_Dyer: (B) +6 366