TWL rating
Cecilia Huber
Cecilia Huber | Cleveland, OH (USA)
1117 / 1085
(Peak: 1159)
Lifetime record
619-786-5 (0.441)
Career earnings: $1,094
Avg. score
Major Tourneys
Details/ Place     --RATINGS--  Prize
Zoom #LocationDate reverse sortWLTBSpread(Division)SeedOldPerfNewCreditsMoney
  115th National Championship08/01/041019 1-1026145 of 150 (4)11511229851050  E
  218th National Championship08/04/071813  +60013 of 81 (5)2299310131014  E
  319th National Championship07/26/081315  -38863 of 96 (5)2310389461002  E
  420th National Championship08/01/091615  +8441 of 94 (4)35115411551157  E
  522nd National Championship Main Eve...08/06/111813  +94511 of 58 (4)149741019998  E
  624th National Championship Main Eve...07/20/131516  -66185 of 138 (3)13097511101032  E
  725th National Championship Main Eve...08/09/14228 1-287762 of 63 (1)56976436844  E
  826th National Championship Main Eve...08/01/151318  -53773 of 88 (3)67106710091039  E
  927th National Championship Main Eve...08/06/161219  -73994 of 102 (3)7011229451052  E
  1028th National Championship (CSW)07/22/171318  -135717 of 22 (2)198221011893 $154E
  1132nd National Championship07/15/23921 1-84175 of 77 (3)671057875989  E
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