Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
#player2 Steve_Bush Steve Bush
>Ryan_Fischer: AEGINOT -O +0 0
#note What would you do? Champ says AGO then this. I whiffed. I figured xAO would be next. It is.
>Steve_Bush: ATX 8F TAX +20 20
#note ?
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEGINT 9G GIE +21 21
>Steve_Bush: FI 7F IF +22 42
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEINOT 8F ...A +13 34
#note Right idea, didn't extend it. (TAX)ATION.
>Steve_Bush: GHIN 6C NIGH +30 72
>Ryan_Fischer: EEINNOT J9 NO +9 43
#note Still TAXATION. Champ prefers NE here, or NEO(N).
>Steve_Bush: ITWY C3 TWI.Y +30 102
>Ryan_Fischer: EEIMNTT 7I MET +16 59
>Steve_Bush: ABCEINR 5F CARBINE +81 183
>Ryan_Fischer: AEEINOT D3 OE +16 75
>Steve_Bush: EEQU H1 QUEE. +45 228
>Ryan_Fischer: AAEILNT L2 ALI.NATE +74 149
#note Almost didn't see this.
>Steve_Bush: OWY 8L .OWY +30 258
>Ryan_Fischer: BDFILOV 11J BOVID +27 176
#note Champ prefers this placement just barely, at 4.06% win pct running a many ply sim. Gonna take a miracle to come back. BIFOLD is another, uglier option.
>Steve_Bush: PRU 2J PR.U +12 270
#note Well, that could be a break...
>Ryan_Fischer: EFIJLOS 3G J.FE +30 206
#note Hehe, JO(W)LE(D) would just make things worse. You'll see. I'm fine with JEFE.
>Steve_Bush: ?ADIORU O1 AUDItOR. +86 356
#note Ow.
>Ryan_Fischer: EIKLOSS O11 SKIES +54 260
#note Lotsa goodies left, gotta roll the dice. Champ likes SOL(O) for 27.
>Steve_Bush: DLMO B7 MOLD +18 374
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ALNOSV 4A VO..L +15 275
#note Oops: 15H OVALNeS(S) 83.
>Steve_Bush: DEEP A8 DEEP +35 409
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ANOSUZ 14J ZONUl. +68 343
#note Okay, so Champ says just take the bingo. I figured I needed to bingo twice, which is why I took ZONUl(E), leaving AS. I can still hook NOB, OR I can come under the Z with my A. ZOUAv(E) mighta been better with the As left, but the pool is consonant heavy.
>Steve_Bush: RT K10 R.T +5 414
>Ryan_Fischer: AAACESS 15G CASA +29 372
#note Aw. And the pool looked so good too! 10M AE 11 leaves CASAS to go out.
>Steve_Bush: GHLNRRT M13 H.G +14 428
>Ryan_Fischer: AES 12A SAE +13 385
>Ryan_Fischer: (LNRRT) +10 395
Player 2
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