Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Chris_Walleck Chris Walleck
#player2 Max_Karten Max Karten
>Chris_Walleck: EEGZ 8G GEEZ +28 28
>Max_Karten: GHNNNRV -GHNNNRV +0 0
#note i have no idea why i didnt keep R or NR here, normally i would do one or the other, almost never do i exch 7 and definitely not here. weird.
>Chris_Walleck: EEM J6 ME.E +21 49
>Max_Karten: ?ANPRST 10D ARPeNTS +84 84
#note however this was pretty much the sweetest exch 7. ever.
>Chris_Walleck: EOW 11C OWE +21 70
>Max_Karten: EHILNNO 12A HONE +36 120
>Chris_Walleck: GOS A12 .OGS +24 94
>Max_Karten: DIJLLNO 15A .LOJD +21 141
>Chris_Walleck: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 94
>Max_Karten: AILNTTU K4 TAUT +14 155
#note didnt know (N)UTANT, but even if i see it i am trying to set the record for number of consecutive turns that my leave is ILN
>Chris_Walleck: ADEKS H10 .AKEDS +48 142
>Chris_Walleck: ADEKS -- -48 94
#note held for a minute, was pretty iffy, then decided that NUDES wouldnt be a word if NAKEDS* was. (and yes, i know, insert joke here)
>Max_Karten: IILLNNS I7 L.N.IL +15 170
#note sims best when AKEDS is opp rack, plays like this and SLOJD were rare moments of not playing terribly.
>Chris_Walleck: ADEEKS H12 EKED +33 127
>Max_Karten: DFIINRS L3 FIND +28 198
>Chris_Walleck: AEW M2 WAE +25 152
>Max_Karten: AAEIRSV 12G V..ARIA +20 218
#note ive got a good place for that S youre holding... (he said after the game he knew it didnt take S)
>Chris_Walleck: CCISTY 1J CYSTIC +49 201
>Max_Karten: BEILNRS 14G B.RLINES +74 292
>Chris_Walleck: DOPR - +0 201
>Max_Karten: AHOY 15L AHOY +43 335
#note the weird thing is i didnt mean to stop writing down leaves, it just kinda happened in several games
>Chris_Walleck: DOPR N3 DROP +24 225
>Max_Karten: AARU O6 AURA +16 351
>Chris_Walleck: IMT E7 MIT.. +7 232
>Max_Karten: IQ F6 QI +35 386
>Chris_Walleck: ARX D6 RAX +40 272
#note i was really impressed with this play, chris does some very clever things
>Max_Karten: EFIV C3 FIVE +22 408
>Chris_Walleck: ?BEGNOU 4B B.NGOEs +18 290
>Max_Karten: IOTU H1 TUI. +9 417
>Chris_Walleck: U 1G U. +2 292
>Chris_Walleck: (O) +2 294
Player 2
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