Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey_Krafchick Joey Krafchick
#player2 Marlon_Hill Marlon Hill
>Joey_Krafchick: AEHIIKN H6 HAIK +22 22
#note HANKIE I missed, NIKAH as well (new). (-8.8)
>Marlon_Hill: CCEH 9D CHEC. +19 19
>Joey_Krafchick: EGINNOR D7 EN.ORING +74 96
>Marlon_Hill: BJ 7G J.B +23 42
>Joey_Krafchick: ELRSTTZ F8 L.Z +32 128
>Marlon_Hill: IQ C12 QI +37 79
>Joey_Krafchick: AERSTTT J2 TARTEST +74 202
#note Will my luck run out?
>Marlon_Hill: EIPTTYY - +0 79
#note Exchange 6
>Joey_Krafchick: DEIORSY 4D DERISO.Y +76 278
#note Nope
>Marlon_Hill: OX 5D OX +39 118
>Joey_Krafchick: AAEGRUW 3B WAUR +28 306
>Marlon_Hill: ADIP C5 PADI +28 146
>Joey_Krafchick: AEEFGGS H1 FAG. +24 330
>Marlon_Hill: AEELMNS K8 ENAMELS +70 216
>Joey_Krafchick: BEEGOSV 3J .BOVE +27 357
#note I thought it didn't take an S, which is funny because I had the last S...
>Marlon_Hill: FRU J10 FUR +33 249
>Joey_Krafchick: AEGOPSU 5J .EGU +26 383
>Marlon_Hill: DEMR 8J ..RMED +30 279
>Joey_Krafchick: ANOOPST N7 T.ASPOON +74 457
>Marlon_Hill: EILW M12 LWEI +28 307
>Joey_Krafchick: ?DINTTV B13 VID +20 477
>Marlon_Hill: AEIILOY A14 OI +17 324
>Joey_Krafchick: ?AINTTY M8 .Y +20 497
#note As I mentioned earlier, I thought ABOVE didn't take an S. I thought I was being cute here fishing for ANTILE(F)T.
>Marlon_Hill: ?AEELNU O1 UNsEALE. +89 413
>Marlon_Hill: (?AINOTT) +12 425
Player 2
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