Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Matt Matt
#player2 Jeremy Jeremy
>Matt: CEENOTZ 8D COZEN +38 38
#note Jeremy asked if I had been Gibsonized already when we sat down to play. I told him the bad news. I was glad to be playing Jeremy since he's a cool guy, a metal head with facial hair I could only dream of growing, and he sounds just like Alex Lifeson!
>Jeremy: EEFRV 7G FEVER +30 30
>Matt: DEIOTVY 9E YOD +34 72
#note Duh. DOY# for 4 more. I correctly eschewed OVERTIDY* at least. But if we have OVERNEAT, why not?
>Jeremy: FOW 6J WOF +32 62
>Matt: EEEINTV 5H NIEVE +39 111
#note Yeah EINT is nice, but I anticipated drawing another I for some reason, so I took the points.
>Jeremy: IQSTU 8K SQUIT +79 141
#note Ouch! He wasn't completely sure of this when he played it, and I believe that I held but I do remember pairing it with SQUIZ# in my head.
>Matt: BEGLRTT M7 G.TTLER +22 133
>Jeremy: EILO H1 OLEI. +18 159
>Matt: ABJNPTU 12L B.NJ +42 175
#note JUBATE#, didn't know that one. I was in a BENJ# mood, the 3rd time I played it so far this tournament.
>Jeremy: AIO O12 .IAO +33 192
>Matt: AENNPTU 4L NEAP +30 205
>Jeremy: GIR O1 GRI. +21 213
>Matt: HMMNTUU N14 HM +28 233
#note MU(L)TUM# dumps the junk, but I didn't study my 2 U 6's before tihs tournament. Wish I could play MUMU but there's no place for it, so I'll take the points.
>Jeremy: ?DEGHNR 3B REHaNG.D +82 295
#note HoRNGELD# also scores 82, that's fun.
>Matt: AMNOTUU 11H MUTUA. +20 253
#note Right word, wrong spot. 2C scores 7 more and blocks his next play.
>Jeremy: AAEEPR 2A PERAEA +36 331
#note Nice play! Plural of PERAEON#.
>Matt: IKNOTUW 4A UNWIT +41 294
#note At least it gave me a good counterplay but I need to bingo soon. He did compliment me right back.
>Jeremy: AES 10E EAS +33 364
>Matt: ?ACIKOX 2H .OX +29 323
#note OKA scores 48. I think ACIK? is potent enough that I can bingo next turn, whereas CIX? requires a lot of help
>Jeremy: OOSTY 11A TOYOS +30 394
#note Pretty risky, if I have the right stuff to punish it.
>Matt: ?ACDIKS H11 .AK +10 333
#note Yeah I can play these tiles for 37. I wanted another bingo lane for insurance. Quackle likes KOI for 22, which gives me another bingo lane while scoring.
>Jeremy: AABILLR B10 B.RAL +26 420
>Matt: ?CDDIIS 14F DISCI +24 357
#note I thought about DISCoID, but I wasn't sure of it, and so of course I pass it up. I just wanted to play DIDICOyS# but he blocked that possibility. I should also know DIACIDS, and there's DISCIDE as well.

>Jeremy: AIL C13 AIL +12 432
#note 7 losses in a row, not counting the gifted bye from last round. 13-6 has become 14-13.
>Jeremy: (D?) +4 436
Player 2
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